


2,journal of econometrics 怎么样发表论文难吗

不明白啊 = =!

journal of econometrics 怎么样发表论文难吗

3,journal of atomic and molecular sciences 期刊怎么样

你好!journal of atomic and molecular sciences原子和分子科学杂志
搜一下:journal of atomic and molecular sciences 期刊怎么样

journal of atomic and molecular sciences 期刊怎么样

4,energy and fuels 这个杂志怎么样

Energy and Fuels 网络 能源和燃料; 能源与燃料; [例句]Energy and fuels research were the focus of a recent analysis.能源和燃料的研究是最近分析的重点。
属于较高级别的期刊。 能源类顶级期刊中,energy and fuels一贯以高水平的文章水准,高速的审稿出版速度以及编辑认真负责的态度出现在科研工作者的印象中。

5,Energy Economics这个期刊怎么样

Energy Economics是ELSEVIER公司出版的英文期刊,Ei Compendex 数据库和Social Sciences Citation Index 数据库双收录源期刊。Energy Economics是ELSEVIER公司出版的英文期刊,Ei Compendex 数据库和Social Sciences Citation Index 数据库双收录源期刊。Energy Economics是ELSEVIER公司出版的英文期刊,Ei Compendex 数据库和Social Sciences Citation Index 数据库双收录源期刊。

6,请教Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics这个杂志如何

一般期刊吧,2013开始EI收录,非SCI,日本的一个期刊Journal of robotics and mechatronics [ISSN:0915-3942] 本刊收录在: Ei Compendex (2013年) 主题分类: Engineering: Mechanical Engineering 期刊简介:Along with the flexible automation system, mechatronics and robotics have become highly developed in Japan to make it a big R&D center in the world.There are plenty of journals on mechatronics and robotics in Japan, however, they are all written in Japanese language so that a few of them have contributed for increase in universal funds of knowledge.Thus both Japanese and overseas researchers have failed in exchange of their knowledge on robotics and mechatronics.We publish the "JRM" to cope with this problem.

7,journal of integrated design process science 这个期刊怎么样

目前是没有这个期刊的,你是不是多打了一个单词,应该是journal of membrane and separation technology期刊吧非SCI收录,有许多中国编委,相对化学类期刊来说不是很好Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology主要发表膜及分离科学与技术领域相关的原创性研究论文,重在交流膜及分离材料合成与表征的新思想与新技术。期刊简介:The Journal of Membranes and Separation Technology is a peer-reviewed journal covers all aspects of membrane & separation sciences and technology. The journal facilitates the communication of new ideas and techniques relating to synthesis and characterization of membrane / separation materials. The journal also publishes updates in filtration, fouling, module operations, process design, processes simulation technologies with the ultimate goal of promoting best practices.
期刊名称首字母需要大写,即 journal of integrated design process science ( 综合设计程序学科学报),应该属于工程设计方面的期刊,与工程安装 (engineering installation) 有些关系。

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