







正好刚做的仿真试验~ 单位冲激信号: x=-10:0.1:10; y=(x==0); %就是个条件判断,只有x=0的时候,y才为“1” plot(x,y); 如果是单位脉冲信号(离散的),改成stem(x,y);就行了






6,谁来帮我解释一下 flash 中的var 变量的用法谁能让我理解它我追加50

var 语句var variableName [= value1][...,variableNameN[=valueN]] 作用:用于声明局部变量注意以下几点:——————————————————————————————1、如果变量是在函数内声明的,则这些变量是局部变量。它们是为该函数声明的,在函数调用结束时到期。 更具体地说,用 var 定义的变量是包含它的代码块的局部变量。代码块是用花括号 (如下: on(press) var a //声明变量a,a属于局部变量,只能在该 }2、如果在函数外声明变量,变量在包含该语句的整个时间轴中可用。3、您不能将范围限于另一个对象的变量声明为局部变量。如下:my_array.length = 25; // 这样可以 var my_array.length = 25; // 这样错误4、当使用 var 时,您可以严格指定变量的类型如下:var x:Number=100 //声明变量X为数字类型,并设置初始值为100var y:String="文字" //声明变量Y为字符串类型,并设置初始值为"文字" //注意:字符串类型需要加双引号的5、您可以在一条语句中声明多个变量,用逗号分隔各个声明(尽管此语法可能会降低代码的清晰程度):如下:var a:String = "a", b:String = "b.", c:String = "c";//声明了三个变量注意:在外部脚本的类定义中声明属性时,也必须使用 var。类文件还支持 public、private 和 static 变量范围。 实例:var a //声明变量avar b:Number //声明变量b为数字类型var c:Number=520 //声明变量c为数字类型,并设置初始值为520_root.x //创建变量x,并声明到舞台根,全局可以使用_root.x调用变量如:y=_root.x最后说一句,_root.x方法比较实用。注x为您的变量,自定技术交流QQ:82265147(易见) ________________________________________________ 点击下面搜索易见答案: http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=QQ%3A82265147
var variableName [= value1] [...,variableNameN [=valueN]]参数variableName 一个标识符(就是变量名)。value 赋给该变量的值。说明语句;用于声明局部或时间轴变量。 如果变量是在函数内声明的,则这些变量是局部变量。
var variableName [= value1] [...,variableNameN [=valueN]]参数variableName 一个标识符(就是变量名)。value 赋给该变量的值。说明语句;用于声明局部或时间轴变量。 如果变量是在函数内声明的,则这些变量是局部变量。它们是为该函数声明的,在函数调用结束时到期。如果变量不是在块 (如果变量不是在块中声明的,且执行当前动作列表时使用的不是 call() 动作,则这些变量被解释为时间轴变量。但是,您无需使用 var 来声明时间轴变量。 示例:1.var t:Boolean=true//声明一个布尔变量t,并赋值为true 当然 var t=true 也行2.var x:Number=100//声明一个数值型变量x,并赋值为1003.var s:String ="123"//声明一个字符串变量s,并赋值为"123"


title [xt] pvar -- panel vector autoregressive models syntax pvar depvarlist [if] [in][, gmm options] options description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- model gmm estimates the model coefficients using gmm (required option; ust be specified as the first option); gmm calls sgmm.ado; if not specified, estimates from the previous run are taken from the memory lag(numlist) specifies the number of lags in the underlying var; default is 1; numlist has to be integer >0 impulse generates numerical impulse-responses without error bands list_imp generates a table with impulse-responses (use after impulse) gr_imp generates graphical impulse-responses (witout error bands) monte [#] generates error bands for impulse-responses using monte-carlo simulations; # is the desired number of repetitions, default 200; if using monte[#] for standard errors - no need specify impulse list_mon lists a table containing impulse-responses and standard errors (use after monte) decomp [#] generates a table containing variance-decompositions; # is the max. number of periods, default is 20; to use different number, use double quotes (e.g. "decomp 30"); note that decomp prints only every 10th ------------------------------------------------------------------------- you must tsset or xtset your data before using pvar, see help tsset or xtset. depvarlist may contain time series operators. see depvarlist. description pvar will estimate a pvar model as described in holtz et al. (1988). the data has to be helmert transformed prior to estimation in order to remove the fixed effects (see help helm). it is recommended that the original variables should be time-demeaned before using helm. the model uses untransformed variables as instruments for the helmert-transformed variables in the model. in case one wants to estimate the model using a different transformation (e.g. first differences), the easiest way is to name the transformed variables h_y1 h_y2 ... to estimate the model without fixed effects, create a copies of the original var amed h_y1 h_y2... the program will use the original variables as both, regressors and instruments (i.e. system ols without a constant). depvarlist is the list with variable names in the desired order. different orderings will yield different responses. note that when using monte the maximum number of variables in depvarlist is 6. examples . webuse grunfeld, clear . rename company id . xtset id year . helm invest mvalue kstock . pvar kstock invest mvalue, lag(3) gmm monte 500 "decomp 30"

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