

last(辣思特) 最后。



finally是单词 in the end和at last是词组 他们都有最后的意思


3,最后 用英语怎么说

可以用in the end ,at last ,finally 表示最后 ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

最后 用英语怎么说


在最后.. 1. in the end2. at last3. at the end4.finally
at lastin the end
at last;finally;in the end;
in the final in the end 都行
In th end
at last finally in the end


如果说“如此结论”是结尾最没用的废话,那么“如此建议”应该是最有价值的废话了,因为这里虽然也是废话,但是却用了一个很经典的虚拟语气的句型。拽! obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,因为考官本来经常考这个句型,而如果我们自己写出来,你说考官会怎么想呢? 更多句型: accordingly, i recommend that some measures be taken. consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken.
.is a double-edge sword。。each coin has two sides...提供几个短语好了
On the other hand. A name is not only the sign from our parents, but also a special sign of ourselves.On the one hand, having our own name can help us being easier remembered by others. Above all, I agree with the idea that a name is very important, a name is really important,可想出中文让我翻译) , having our own name will remians us that we are one part of the social so that we will be encouraged to be ourselves. But, there are still many people who hold the opinion that a name is not such inprotant because @#¥^&. As far as I am concernedsome people considered that a name is very important because !@#$%^&*(原因请自己想

6,英语作文题目为my room结尾该怎样说不要太简单的

I think my room is very warm, very beautiful, I love my room
您好,下面给您50个含有这个单词的单词及音标,希望对您有帮助!1 rooms [ru?m] [ru?m]2 bathroom [?bɑ?θru?m; -r?m] [?b?θrum]3 broom [bru?m] [brum]4 classroom [?klɑ?sru?m; -r?m] [?kl?s?r?m; ?kl?s?r?m]5 living-room [?l?v???ru?m] [?l?v???ru?m]6 mushroom [?m??ru?m; -r?m] [?m??r?m]7 room [ru?m; r?m] [rum]8 rumor [?ru?m?] [?ru?m?]9 bedroom [?bedru?m; -r?m] [?b?drum]10 bridegroom [?bra?dgru?m] [?bra?dɡrum]11 playroom [?ple?ru?m; -r?m] [?pler?m]12 rheumatiz [?ru?m?t?z] [?ru?m?t?z]13 drawing-room [?dr????ru?m] [?dr????ru?m]14 schoolroom [?sku?lru?m] [?sku?lru?m]15 storeroom [?st??ru?m] [?st??ru?m]16 roommates [?ru?mme?ts] [?ru?mme?ts]17 grooming [?ɡru?m??] [?ɡru?m??]18 rumors [?ru?m?] [?ru?m?]19 tearoom [ti??ru?m] [ti??ru?m]20 broomcorn [b?ru?mk??n] [b?ru?mk??n]21 classrooms [k?l?sru?mz] [k?l?sru?mz]22 checkroom [?t?ekru?m] [?t?ekru?m]23 restroom [?restru?m] [?restru?m]24 roomy [?ru?mi] [?ru?mi]yinbiao:www.yinbiao5.com25 readingroom [?ri?d??] [ru?m; r?m] [?rid??] [rum]26 washroom [?w??ru?m] [?wɑ??rum? -?r?m? ?w??-]27 rumour [?ru?m?(r)] [?ru?m?r]28 workroom [?w??kru?m] [?w??rkru?m]29 groom [ɡru?m] [ɡru?m]30 courtroom [?k??tru?m] [?k??rtru?m]31 broomstick [?bru?mst?k] [?bru?mst?k]32 cloakroom [?kl??kru?m] [?klo?kru?m]33 crewman [?kru?m?n] [?kru?m?n]34 lunchroom [?l?nt?ru?m] [?l?nt?ru?m]
This isDo you want to pay a visit to my room? Do you want to pay a visit to my room?

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