

为了很好地进行本次综合性学习———轻叩诗歌的大门,我特地去图书阅览室借阅了有关诗歌的书回来,用心品读。我曾在一本书上看到:诗歌对于一个人的影响力,甚至一个世界文学界的影响力是巨大的。所以说:我务必要认真读诗歌,有感情的朗读诗歌,多收集诗歌,还可以增长我们的见识。 下面是我进行的活动 孔子云:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”兴趣的激发和培养有赖于知识掌握的深度和广度,多尝试、多练习能使知识基础不断地扩大和加深。这次综合性学习,我从 “听、说、读、写、吟”这五个方面进行了多方面的活动。我不仅学到了很多诗歌,还学会了诗歌的分类,这样更有助于我学习诗歌,也收集了很多有关诗歌的故事,更重要的是,我学会了自己写诗歌,因为是个充满了诗情画意,充满了自己的渴望,在诗歌里,我可以放飞自己的心灵,我的思维可以跳跃,我的想象力得到了丰富的伸展,我可以在诗歌里表达自己的渴望与情感。这是一个让我难忘的综合性学习,因为它可以影响我们一生。 没按你的要求,是开头和结尾!作文就是要自己写才真实,帮你写了开头和结尾!



(My Friend And I) My name is Wu Jie. I am a student of Dongzhou Middle School. I like playing basketball and singing. Zhang Jiong is my good friend. He wears a white T-shirt and blue jeans. He is very handsome. He likes playing football and singing. He is a good student. He usually helps me with my maths. We are deskmates at school. On Sunday, we usually play football and swim together. We often visit each other and play computer games together. We are very happy to be with each other and help each other.



雨的过程the rain comes from the cioud.the cioud comes from the vapour.the vapour comes from the water.the sun shines and the water becomes vapourthe water comes from the rain.其实我也是六年级的.....写不好望你谅解......希望我们可以叫一个朋友.....
I have a very busy family.Every morning my father goes to work by car at 6:30.He is a worker in a factory.My mother is a teacher in a primary school.She goes to work by bus.All of my grandparents have retired.They sometimes go to the supermarket to buy groceries or go to the park nearby on foot.


文章TAG:英语六年级上册六单元的作文怎么写英语  六年  六年级  