怎么写一个proposal,中文proposal 应该怎样写
来源:整理 编辑:八论文 2022-12-24 12:33:34
1,中文proposal 应该怎样写
估计有点像中文的项目可行性研究报告写明项目名称 项目目的等细节再列出你的可操作的建议 并对这些建议进行逐项分析不过老美喜欢简明扼要 真正写起来跟中文的报告差别很大的 就是不用写空话以上是我的理解
驳论文的破立结合定义:首先指出对方错误的实质,再批驳已指出的错误论点,并在批驳的同时或之后针锋相对地提出自己的正确观点加以论证。议论文三要素:论点、论据、论证根据题目写出一个观点,再加以阐述说明,重要的是要有说服能力,三要素缺一不可,仔细看看下面的具体介绍,以后就可以多试着写作,这样作文才可以有长进。此外,还要多记一些名言警句和名人事例,以便在作文中更好的应用。总的来说,议论文的论点是要解决“要证明什么”,论据是要解决“用什么来证明”,而论证是解决“如何进行证明”的问题。论文提案是指为期半年至三年不等的详尽的论文研究计划。应详细清楚提出论文之1.问题 (你们平时读的英文知识论或英文伦理学教科书中的方式可以参考。在那里面,每一章一开始的时候,都在铺陈问题)。 2.重要参考文献之评述。 3.如何可能在限期前完成。必须提出具体步骤,学士论文必须提出在学期中两次缴交阅读笔记摘要的日期,硕士论文必须提出缴交每一章初稿或阅读笔记摘要之日期等。 4.专门术语之解说 (严禁在一知半解下用专门术语。理由?请参考上一节)。 5.价值 (大学部学士论文于此部分可以省略,硕士级以上不可以省略)。 6.大纲 (硕士级以上。学士级在最后将内容的结构清楚化、条理化即可)。 参考文献等。
3,我想问下 design management的proposal怎么写
才1000字,我最短的都1500而且1000字写不了什么东西,我们写的project proposal都是10页的,不知道对你有没有用给你我的guideline吧,希望有用Project Proposal1.0 GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION1.1 Project title, location and timing 1.2 Agency details 1.3 Funding 2.0NEEDS ANALYSIS AND PROJECT DESIGN2.1 Brief background to Situation 2.2 Statement of Development Needs/Issues 2.3 How project will address development needs/issues. 2.4 Project Design2.4.1 Major Development Objectives 2.4.2 Significant Project Outputs2.4.3 Logframe2.4.4 Project Activity Description2.5 Project Activity Schedule2.6 Direct & Indirect Beneficiaries3.0 PROJECT CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES后面的估计你也用不上,1000字,没写几句话就没了搜一下:我想问下, design management的proposal怎么写
Proposal这里是开题报告的意思,以下解答希望对你有所帮助! 1。先找导师,要几个他推荐的方向,因为就算自己写出来一个很nb的proposal,他不能supervise,也是白搭。 2。在这几个方向上面广泛阅读,找自己的兴趣; 3。在感兴趣的方向上深入阅读,读主要数据库的2年来的论文,别读书; 4。开始写proposal,篇幅不限,自己能看懂就行; 5。论证这个proposed 题目没有人研究过,而且没有人正在研究,如果有人正在研究了,研究他的下一步工作(future work),如果找不到这样的方向,跳会第二步; 6。开始缩减篇幅,修改无数次,同时找领域里面的大牛帮看看,提提意见; 7。找外行看,如果他们能看懂60%以上,写的就是成功的; 8。挑最干的,最有价值的,整理成150字(我最后写了149个字) 这个过程基本上花4周的精力。 成功的proposal的衡量标准(以下几条尽量占全): 1。能把要研究的内容、目标说清楚 2。能在有限篇幅内说清楚(我当时150字) 3。能把研究的现状说清楚,并说明这个work以前和现在都没人在做 4。能把研究的方法说清楚 5。能把研究的value说清楚研究计划;研究提案;研究计划书例句释义:全部,研究计划,研究提案,研究计划书1.student oral presentations of research proposal due进行研究提议的口头陈述报告2.ethical principle of human embryonic stem cell research(proposal)人类胚胎干细胞研究的伦理准则(建议稿)3.writing a research proposal in clinical psychology临床心理学研究计划的写作要点4.most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what aresearch proposal means, nor do they understand its importance.大多数学生和刚起步的研究者都不了解什么是研究计划,也不知道其重要性。
作者:Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada).曾经发表过一篇文章How to write a research proposal,建议好好看看,言简意赅,很实用~~通常申请PHD或者奖学金,甚至MSC入学后在论文的开始前,都有可能遇到要写RESEARCH PROPOSAL (简称RP)的情况。虽然一份好的RP不能100%保证你的申到你想要申到的东西,但是一份精心准备的RP的确可以让那些审核你的人有一个更好的了解你的实力,了解你要做的东西的机会一份RP的最初目的,是为了让审核的人确信申请人对于即将涉足的领域拥有足够的预备知识,对于要研究的课题有充分的了解。但一个RP并不是一个死板的计划,没有人能够在开始研究前就能100%确定所得到的成果或者方向。根据用途的不同,一份Research Proposal的长度由一页到十多页不等。这下面要讲的是一个完整的结构,可以根据具体总体字数限制来去掉一些部分。每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。它大致对应中文里的“开题报告”、“选题报告”、“研究报告”,是一项研究开始之前的提纲、规划和陈述;既是为了帮助自己梳理文献、整理思路、廓清方向,也常常是写给相关他人的说明:研究动机和意义何在?可能有何成果?为什么它值得你的资助/认可/支持/批准?不知道是否可以说,好的proposal是研究成功的一半。但实际而功利的说,如果你的proposal很烂,可能根本就不会有开始研究的机会。 How to write a research proposal? 能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。但形式也很重要。英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”。程式化和结构化的好处就在于,可以让读者直接集中注意到最本质的内容上,而不是为形式分神。对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。《怎样写Research Proposal》 Proposal这里是开题报告的意思 1。先找导师,要几个他推荐的方向,因为就算自己写出来一个很nb的proposal,他不能supervise,也是白搭。 2。在这几个方向上面广泛阅读,找自己的兴趣; 3。在感兴趣的方向上深入阅读,读主要数据库的2年来的论文,别读书; 4。开始写proposal,篇幅不限,自己能看懂就行; 5。论证这个proposed 题目没有人研究过,而且没有人正在研究,如果有人正在研究了,研究他的下一步工作(future work),如果找不到这样的方向,跳会第二步; 6。开始缩减篇幅,修改无数次,同时找领域里面的大牛帮看看,提提意见; 7。找外行看,如果他们能看懂60%以上,写的就是成功的; 8。挑最干的,最有价值的,整理成150字。
ProcedureThe procedure or the methodology is the heart of the proposal because it must tell the reader how you propose to carry out your project. It must convince your advisor (or in industry your manager or potential client) that you clearly understand your task, have a logical time plan for solving your problems, and have identified all the resources you need.If your proposal is for an IQP, you must take special care to explain HOW you plan to relate some aspect of science or technology to society. Note that "technology" need not be defined narrowly here: "technology" can mean the techniques used to manage or evaluate any resource efficiently, not just "nuts and bolts" hardware. But you must explain clearly how your procedure insures that the WPI IQP degree requirement will be satisfied by completing a project which defines, investigates, and reports on a topic relating science or technology to a social need or issue. In short, why is your topic an IQP?Some of the other questions the reader will expect you to answer in this section are:1. What are the tasks and sub-tasks identified to achieve your objectives? 2. What materials will you need to carry out your project: equipment? computer support? typing? graphics? others? 3. What data are needed for the project and how will they be collected? If the project requires a survey or interviews, the design of this instrument (especially the selection of participants) must be explained and justified. 4. What method or process will be used to analyze this data and where else (if anywhere) has this method or process been used? 5. What time frame do you think you will need to accomplish identified tasks or subtasks? Should schedules be presented in standard forms like PERT or Task Charts? (see Figures 1 and 2.) 6。 If you are working on a team, which teammates will accomplish which sections? 7. What costs do you anticipate the project will incur -- in other words, your budget? (A Budget Summary Request Form must be submitted to the Interdisciplinary Studies Division Office as shown in Appendix 1 for IQP Proposals. A Budget summary for an MQP Proposal should be submitted to the individual department.)
Your BackgroundUsing bullet points, state professional qualifications, skills, experiences, abilities and prior practice that are relevant to your proposal.Outline ProposalDescribe your precise area of interest and research/study you wish to undertake demonstrating your contextual knowledge.Describe the core of your project in three to four sentences.Outline the context in which your project operates answering questions such as: Why is your project relevant? Who might be its audience(s)?DevelopmentRefer to specific areas, critical ideas and precedents, which underpin and frame your proposal.This section invites you to extend the description of your project focusing on specific areas. Particularly important is your evaluation of precedents and how you position your project in relationship to these.ResearchOutline the sequence of practical, of theoretical and of visual research that you intend to follow.This section requires you to be specific about how you plan to conduct your project and where particular challenges might lie.EvaluationEvaluate your work to date. Which conclusions are you are able to draw?Where do you think the strengths of your work lie and where are areas you might improve?ResourcesDocument resources that you have drawn on as part of your research towards your proposal including professional contacts, libraries, museums, galleries, special archives or collections.Document any professional contacts that might support the delivery of your project. These might be drawn from the list above and / or extend to your access to research or production facilities, potential collaborators etc.BibliographyPlease give clear references of any relevant documentary material including books, images, videos, objects, artworks, online sources etc.Appendix (optional)This section is optional. You can insert any additional material that you consider relevant but not a core part of your project proposal. This could be other projects, notebooks, drawings, company analyses, or additional research material.以上答案摘自meeloun教育网下面这些要素是必须的,缺一不可!1、背景对于proposal有意义的要点,如国家职业证书、技能、经验、能力和实习经历等。2、大纲描述自己明确感兴趣的领域、研究和方向,即我们希望能够通过学习来承接过去的知识并启发未来的职业道路。用3、4句话阐释自己的project核心,在大纲中我们应回答这些问题:我的project有什么意义?谁会是它的受众?3、发展参考特定的领域,重要的想法和先例以支撑和表达我们的proposal。这个部分需要我们展开来描述自己project所聚焦的具体领域,特别重要的是我们对于先例的评估使用,以及如何看待自己的project和它们的联系。4、研究概述我们想要采用实际、理论和图像研究的逻辑顺序。这个部分要求我们详细计划如何实施自己的project,并且预想有哪些巨大的困难。5、评估评估自己目前的作品,我们能得出什么样的结论?我们的作品优势在哪里,有哪些地方需要提高?6、资料来源记录我们在proposal中使用的资料来源,包括在职业领域有联系的人,图书馆,博物馆,展览,特别档案,收藏等等。记录任何会支持我们项目的专业领域推荐人,这些可能是上面已列出的人,或者是研究人员,生产商,潜在合作伙伴等等。7、参考文献给出明确的引用相关文献资料,包括书籍、图片、视频、艺术品、在线资源等。8、附录(optional)我们可以加入任何与proposal相关但不是核心的其他材料,这可能是其他项目、笔记本、图纸、公司分析,或额外的研究材料。
怎么写一个proposal怎么 一个 proposal