






3,refer to do还是refer to doning

refer to do查询,提到,这里是不定式!但是to不一定是不定式的标致,也可是介词短语 不定式可做定语,目的状语,结果状语,to do有时也表示还没做的事(将来)
2个都有pefer to do更喜欢做谋事prefer doing to doing宁愿也不,比起前者更喜欢后者

refer to do还是refer to doning

4,cite和refer的区别是什么 应该怎么用

新闻 网页 贴吧 知道 MP3 图片 视频 百科 帮助 查看积分我的设置我的提问我的回答为我推荐的提问投票过的问题知识掌门人问题收藏 以下提问是特意为您推荐的,期待您来回答:街头篮球反跑怎么操作 [街头篮球]refer to enclosure: test parameters harmful substances.翻译为中文意思是什么? [起名]石门寨的名人都有谁啊 [历史学]更多>>?2009 Baidu
cite : 是指完全引用别人的话语, 必须用" "包括引用部分refer : 指出其出处, 告诉别人你是从哪里得来的信息做动词, 用法完全相同


vt. 1. 把…归之(于);认为…起源于;归功于;归咎于(to): The discovery of America is generally referred to Columbus. 一般人都说美洲是哥伦布发现的。 2. 把…归属(于): This style of architecture is usually referred to the sixteenth century. 这种风格的建筑一般是属于16世纪的。 3. 提交;委托(to): Their proposal was referred to the United Nations. 他们的提案已提交联合国。 4. 使求助于;使向…请教;使参阅;让…找…处理: He referred the dispute to the board of directors. 他将这件纠纷转给董事会处理。 vi. 1. 提到;涉及;适用于(to): This rule does not refer to children. 这项规定不适用于儿童。 2. 查阅,参考(to): For further details, please refer to the last page of the book. 欲知详情,请参阅本书的最后一页。 3. 请教;求助于(to): He referred to his friends for information. 他向朋友们打听消息。


refer KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 把...归因(于),认为...起源(于)[(+to)] He referred all his troubles to bad luck. 他将他的一切麻烦都归因于运气不好。 2. 把...归类(于),把...归属(于)[(+to)] Botanists refer this flower to the rose family. 植物学家将这花归入蔷薇科。 3. 将...提交,交付[(+to)] We referred the proposal to the board of directors. 我们把这一建议提交董事会处理。 4. 指点,使求助于[(+to)] The doctor referred the patient to a specialist. 这位医生把病人转介绍给专门医生诊治。 vi. 1. 论及,谈到,提及[(+to)] In his speech, he referred to the Bible several times. 他在演说中好几次提到圣经。 I knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young lad. 当这位太太说起一个聪明小伙子时,我知道她指的是比尔。 2. 查阅,参考;查询,打听[(+to)] Please refer to the last page of the book for answers. 寻找答案,请查阅书的最后一页。 3. 涉及,有关[(+to)] The rule refers only to special cases. 这条规则只涉及一些特殊的情况。


及物动词 vt. 1. 把...归因(于),认为...起源(于)[(+to)] He referred all his troubles to bad luck. 他将他的一切麻烦都归因于运气不好。 2. 把...归类(于),把...归属(于)[(+to)] Botanists refer this flower to the rose family. 植物学家将这花归入蔷薇科。 3. 将...提交,交付[(+to)] We referred the proposal to the board of directors. 我们把这一建议提交董事会处理。 4. 指点,使求助于[(+to)] The doctor referred the patient to a specialist. 这位医生把病人转介绍给专门医生诊治。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 论及,谈到,提及[(+to)] In his speech, he referred to the Bible several times. 他在演说中好几次提到圣经。 I knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young lad. 当这位太太说起一个聪明小伙子时,我知道她指的是比尔。 2. 查阅,参考;查询,打听[(+to)] Please refer to the last page of the book for answers. 寻找答案,请查阅书的最后一页。 3. 涉及,有关[(+to)] The rule refers only to special cases. 这条规则只涉及一些特殊的情况。

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