
"The civil status of the implementation of reconciliation and thinking, " Abstract: The paper begins with the civil enforcement of a settlement of the legal requirements have been summarized, and then the civil enforcement of a settlement from the value of the content analysis of the legal and practical significance of its existence. Articles second and third part discusses the operation of the civil enforcement of a settlement system and the tension between status and countermeasures, to perfect the implementation of the law, strengthen the judicial sense of harmony, play active judicial functions, etc., on the civil enforcement of a settlement Some Thoughts Discussed. Keywords: civil enforcement proceedings reconciliation
"The civil status of the implementation of reconciliation and thinking, " Abstract: The paper begins with the civil enforcement of a settlement of the legal requirements have been summarized, and then the civil enforcement of a settlement from the value of the content analysis of the legal and practical significance of its existence. Articles second and third part discusses the operation of the civil enforcement of a settlement system and the tension between status and countermeasures, to perfect the implementation of the law, strengthen the judicial sense of harmony, play active judicial functions, etc., on the civil enforcement of a settlement Some Thoughts Discussed.



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Operations research is a basic subject of logistics management, used in logistics system with logistics discipline gradually mature and widely. Life almost everywhere in operations research, especially for the logistics work is of far-reaching significance, can help the logistics enterprises to solve many practical problems. Transport raised methodological study variety, the main branch: linear programming, nonlinear programming, goal programming, integer programming, geometric programming, large-scale planning, dynamic programming, graph theory, network theory and planning technique (PERT), game theory (strategy), decision theory, queuing theory, inventory theory, search theory. Based on the integer in logistics system the planning application of 0 - 1 model in distribution center location, application of linear programming in cargo stowage, application and the shortest path problem in the transport route selection in the model and a simple example analysis. Through the analysis of calculation method and mathematics of operations research, to make a comprehensive and reasonable arrangement, in order to achieve more economic, effective use of manpower, material resources, financial resources.


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