

一、勤记忆。这里的记并不同于英语语法的死记硬背,而是指理解地记。例如:当新学一个生字"丽"的时候,你只需理解了这个字的含义是"好看的,漂亮的"这个意思,你便能举一反三地理解出"秀丽"。"壮丽"、"美丽"等一大幸和"丽"有关的词语。长期如此,你会发现自己已经懂了许多的字、词。 二、深感悟。有的同学最怕在测验中出现那些写出文章中心思想的题目。其实要过这一关也很容易。那就是在读文章之时用心去读,用心去感受。当我在读朱自清的《背影》这篇文章时,我是全身心地投入进去感受、领悟:当家境衰败的时候,父亲还处处关照着孩子的一丝一毫,就像我的父亲在关爱我一样,这时一阵感激之情顿生。如此下来,我已经深深地体会到了作者的写作目的,轻松地理解了文章的中心思想。 三、善联想。在学习古诗时,我推荐用这种方法来理解诗句、记忆诗句。在老师帮助同学们解释出一句诗句时,同学们就可闭上双眼,仿佛自己穿过了一条时空隧道,回到了诗人所描写的境界中。比如:在学习《书湖阴先生壁》中的"一水护田将绿绕,两山排闼送青来"这两句诗时,在我们的脑海中可以想象出一块种着蔬菜的菜地,绿油油的,一条婉蜒的小溪绕着菜田,推开小屋的门,对面的两座山把青翠的颜色送到了你的眼前。就在这样的联想中,你已经不知不觉地记下了这两句诗的意思。看,理解诗句的难题便迎刃而解了。 四、多练笔。作文,一个让许多学生头痛的难题。其实也不算什么,只要你记住这几个字:阅读、积累、练笔。从多阅读好的课外书到积累好同、好句,最后勤动笔写文章,提高自己的写作能力。到了关键时刻,自然而然就"下笔如有神"了。



其实,对于argument essay来讲,最重要步骤在于:破题。写作步骤:第一段:开头段。主要是归纳论点,说明论点有问题,存在逻辑漏洞,准备发起进。第一层:this argument concludes/recommends/argues that…第二层:to support this conclusion the writer cites…/points out that…第三层:however, this argument suffers from several critical flaws and is therefore unconvincing/ unpersuasive as it stands.第二段和第三段甚至第四段:分类别去攻击各个逻辑错误。(以因果关系类错误为例)one problem with the argument is that, the editorial observes a correlation between… and …, then concludes that the former is the cause of the latter. however, the editorial fails to rule out other possible explanations for…for example,… any of these factors, or other social, political or economic factors, might lead to…without ruling out all other such factors it is unfair to conclude that…第五段:结尾段。作者的结论似乎是合理的,但是通过论证,不是这样的。因此作者在做出决定之前,应该还要考虑其他情况。我们通过一篇文章作为实例来介绍argument essay的论证步骤和论证方法以及文章结构。in the final analysis, the letters author fails to adequately support there commendation that…to bolster the argument, the arguer must provide detailed demo graphic/statistical evidence showing that…the author must also provide evidence–perhaps by way of a reliable survey—that…


3,英语厉害的来Argumentative Essay

Topic: Students Should Have Homework from Prep to Year 9 Homework for students is a part of the schoolwork. It is as important as the classwork. Therefore, students should have homework during their school years. The questiong is what homework is, how much homework should be enough for them to fulfil, how they can do their homework better, and whether all the homework must be hand in to the teachers.Somebody thinks that so-called homework means, of caurse, the writtenwork. In fact, such a viewpoint is of prejudice. Theachers fix up their pupils with homework because it can help them gain new insights through reviewing old materials. It is good their doing work at home no matter whether it is written or oral. Unimaginablly, some of the teachers order them to copy many a repeated material. Maybe they believe doinging so can do the deed for punishing those who are lazy with their lessons out of school. Unfortunately, such a behavior makes other innocent persons come to harm. Sometimes and wasting their precious hours to do the endless milk-and-water work in vain. On the other hand, certain of oral work can not only save time but also get twice the result with half the effort.It is true that homework for studnts should be all around, both written and oral. Nevertheless,it brings about another questiong: How much should be enough. The more is not always the better. Mans time and energy is limited. Besides study, he must sleep, have his meal, and do exercises and so on. As a student, shouldnt he help his parents with the housework? Even on the part of study, a student has to attend classes and take part in every activity at school and he cannot be wrapped up in homework only in door, so it should be suitable for him. Unluckily, students are loading down with their work home and at school. It is hight time that they were unloaded what they are able to bear. Now let me come to another topic: How a student can do their homework better. Some subjectively assert that homework must be done on his own. However, it is not the only way, I think, that one should do his howmork by himself, though he could train his ability thinking for himself. Every road leads to Roma. There are all kinds of means, by which a student can reach the same target, such as discussion with others, being tutored by his parents, referring to the answers by his classmates and so on. If a teacher is strict enough to order him complete it with high hand, he will force him into a corner so that the students confidence is sure to come down. Finaly, I want to make a questiong that is whether all the homework must be hand in to the teachers. The answer lies on two respexts: on the one hand, some of them should be shown to the the teachers, which are likely to be useful for them to improve their theaching methods after going it over and finding some important informationg in it; on the other hand, some, which are only for the students to prepare their lessons, dont need piling up at teachers nose to, which the teacher can check them up in class by means of putting questions to them. All the above summed up, the conclusion cames that it is not dispensable or indispensable to make arrangements for homework but, in the final analysis, how to do it.

英语厉害的来Argumentative Essay

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