


2,建筑 的英文怎么念

1.Architecture 2.to build; to construct; to erect; to put up; to set up 3.a building; a structure; an edifice; an erection

建筑 的英文怎么念




4,建筑的外观只是一种形式 英语怎么说

建筑的外观只是一种形式The external appearence of a building is just a matter of form外观 external appearence我觉得这个翻译最精确。希望帮到了你满意请采纳,谢谢。
The looks of buildings are but of a matter of form.
The exterior of an architecture is only a form.exterior是外观, architecture 是建筑building是楼房或大楼。
你好!The appearance of a building is nothing but a kind of form.希望对你有所帮助,望采纳。
The shape of a building is only the matter of form
建筑的外观只是一种形式The appearance of the building is a kind of form希望能帮到你。

5,英文翻译 建筑类1

你的文章里有很多错的地方,我帮你修改一下,希望你能用的上 建材 筑物分为几种不同类型,商业及住宅最明显的区别在于:商业楼宇有很大差异在尺寸和建筑的类型,有多少层,并使用目的。一栋楼房,往往像是用混凝土和砖堆大箱子,因为这提供了最高的楼面面积和最低的结构框架。有许多种住宅楼宇,和一些个别住宅建筑具有极大不同的风格,宏伟。工程师应该明白,选择不同的材料和不同的施工方法对建筑物的影响。他们也必须明白,材料与施工方法,对整体成本结构、外观和预期寿命的影响。五种主要建筑材料:混凝土,钢筋,结构钢,木材和砖石。 让我们开始讨论这个世界上最古老的人为制造的大批量生产的建设材料-混凝土。图片为一时刻,许多种结构,你们可以看到在您的生活建成混凝土。任何上述的清单,必须包括公路,行人路(图6 。 1 ) ,人行道,桥面板,交通障碍,基金会,建设框架(图6.2 ) ,建筑幕墙,水坝(图6.3 ) ,及挡土墙。大多数人可能需要几分钟的时间和双重名单。问题是,混凝土是一种多功能,可行的材料,应用在许多建筑。这是不正确的指公路,作为一个“水泥路面” ,或人行道上作为一个“水泥人行道” 。他们都是作出了具体的。水泥就是其中的成分。混凝土,砂,水和添加剂,还有其他的。 已知最早使用水泥,使混凝土可以追溯到古代。 罗马,约在两千多年前。他们发现了沙子或矿物对山。 维苏威火山,这是高在二氧化硅和氧化铝,它们可用来制造水泥。


1, Mao stone wall built on the basis of the original soil were asked, if an individual basis in the backfill, Need to backfill all clear, stone with lime mortar to deepen the basis of gross irrigation. Because of the foundation is located on expansive soil, and should immediately after excavation foundation masonry or water under the column with 100 or 200 thick C10 concrete stone thick cushion. 2, Mao with M5.0 mortar masonry wall, unearthed stone with flat hair, flat hook 1:3 cement mortar joints, top of the wall with a concrete ring beam and column base C20, reinforced with Grade Ⅰ, the upper walls with M5.0 mortar masonry, double-sided water, puree pointing. 3, galvanized corrugated iron Piva size limitation, as far as possible procurement thick, fixed to the wooden stringers tile according to local practice on each tile Xu Yong fixed 9:00, nail brush rust holes, rust, and blocking leakage. 4, gutters and underground drains are 0.5% longitudinal. 5, brush wood tung oil 2 cooked, iron brush rust 2.
Explain 1, Mao stone wall built on the basis of the original soil were asked, if an individual basis in the backfill, Need to backfill all clear, stone with lime mortar to deepen the basis of gross irrigation. Because of the foundation is located on expansive soil, and should immediately after excavation foundation masonry or water under the column with 100 or 200 thick C10 concrete stone thick cushion. 2, Mao with M5.0 mortar masonry wall, unearthed stone with flat hair, flat hook 1:3 cement mortar joints, top of the wall with a concrete ring beam and column base C20, reinforced with Grade Ⅰ, the upper walls with M5.0 mortar masonry, double-sided water, puree pointing. 3, galvanized corrugated iron Piva size limitation, as far as possible procurement thick, fixed to the wooden stringers tile according to local practice on each tile Xu Yong fixed 9:00, nail brush rust holes, rust, and blocking leakage. 4, gutters and underground drains are 0.5% longitudinal. 5, brush wood tung oil 2 cooked, brush iron rust 2. 用这个网站可以翻译 http://www.00cf.com/yingyuzhengjufanyi/

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