

Be polite.


2,How to explain the following example with cooperative principle

合作原则 四准则 质量 数量 方式 相关性 违反合作原则中的相关性准则,因为答非所问, 你可以接电话吗? 我在洗澡。 但是 这是符合礼貌原则。 英语的你应该会说的哈,你翻译一下吧。
你能接一下电话吗? 我正在洗澡。

How to explain the following example with cooperative principle


manners可以 不过更正式的是 etiquette 原来是法文,意思是礼节 n. [U] 1.礼节;礼仪 This is a book on etiquette. 这是本有关礼仪的书。 According to etiquette, you should stand up to meet a guest. 按照礼节你应该站起来接待客人。 2.(同业间的)规矩;成规 medical etiquette 医学界的规矩



The six maxims of PP that Leech sums up: (Ⅰ)Tact Maxim (in impositives and commissives ) (a)Minimize cost to other (b)Maximize benefit to other (Ⅱ)Generosity Maxim (in impositives and commissives ) (a)Minimize benefit to self (b)Maximize cost to self (Ⅲ)Approbation Maxim (in expressives and assertives) (a)Minimize dispraise of other (b)Maximize praise of other (Ⅳ)Modesty Maxim (in expressives and assertives) (a)Minimize praise of self (b)Maximize dispraise of self (Ⅴ)Agreement Maxim (in assertives) (a)Minimize disagreement between self and other (b)Maximize agreement between self and other (Ⅵ)Sympathy Maxim (in assertives) (a)Minimize antipathy between self and other (b)Maximize sympathy between self and other cp QUANTITY:Give the right amount of information 1. Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange). 2. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. QUANLITY:Try to make your contribution one that is true 1. Do not say what you believe to be false. 2. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. RELATION:Be relevant. MANNER:Be perspicuous 1. Avoid obscurity of expression. 2. Avoid ambiguity. 3. Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity). 4. Be orderly.


1、 英语礼貌原则美国语言学家Grice提出了言语交际中的合作原则。他认为,在所有的语言交际中,说话人与听话人都应遵循一定的原则,使交际的过程朝着默契和合作的方向发展。体现合作原则的具体内容有四个准则:(1) 数量准则(Quantity Maxim):所提供的信息量要符合谈话的要求,不多不少;(2) 质量准则(Quality Maxim):所说的话要有根据,要真实;(3) 关联准则(Relevant Maxim):所说的话要与前面的内容相关;(4) 方式准则(Manner Maxim):说话要简洁、清楚,有条不紊,不含糊其词。然而人们在交际过程中有时并不遵守这些交际原则,甚至故意违反这些原则。也就是说,合作原则不能完全涵盖会话的各种形式。针对这一现象,英国语言学家利奇Leech认为人们违反言语交际合作原则的最根本理由是他们要遵循另一原则———礼貌原则(Politeness Principle),并从语用学(Pragmatics)和人际修辞学(Interpersonal Rhetoric)角度对交际活动中的礼貌原则进行了归纳和分类。Leech指出,合作原则是指导我们应该说什么,使之达到预期目标;而礼貌原则可以帮助维持双方配合的友好关系。这样一来,合作原则和礼貌原则相辅相成,共同制约人们的会话活动。为人们礼貌用语的正确使用提供了一个可借鉴与遵循的标准。它包括六个准则:(1)得体准则(Tact Maxim):尽量使他人受损最小, 尽量使他人受惠最大。(2)慷慨准则(Generosity Maxim):尽量使自身受惠最小,尽量多让自己吃亏。(3)赞誉准则(Approbation Maxim):尽量少贬低别人;尽量多赞誉别人。(4)谦逊准则(Modesty Maxim):尽量少赞誉自己;尽量多贬低自己。(5)一致准则(Agreement Maxim):尽量减少双方的分歧;尽量增加双方的一致。(6)同情准则(Sympathy Maxim):尽量减少双方的反感;尽量增加双方的同情。可以看出,以上各项的两条次准则含义相当,只是说话的着重点不同。此外,“得体”与“慷慨”准则、“赞誉”与“谦逊”准则,则分别是同一问题的两个方面。“得体”是指应如何对待别人,适用于“请求”等使役性言语行为;“慷慨”则是指应如何对待自己,适用于“答应帮助”等承诺性言语行为。类似地,“赞誉”是指如何对待别人,“谦逊”则是指如何对待自己。第五项“一致”准则指出不宜直接表达与对方相异的看法;最后一项“同情”准则强调要注意表达与对方共同的心情,喜别人之喜、忧别人之忧。2、汉语礼貌原则近年来,我国有关礼貌原则的研究也取得了长足的进展。胡文仲教授和何自然教授都先后对跨文化交际中的礼貌原则进行了重要阐述。北京大学的顾曰国先生(1992)根据中国的历史文化背景和中国人日常交际的特点,提出了汉语言文化交流中四个方面的礼貌特征,即尊重(respectfulness)、谦逊(modesty)、态度热情(attitudinal warmth)和文雅(refinement)。同时,借鉴Leech的礼貌六原则,总结了适合中国国情的礼貌原则,共包括五个方面。(1)贬己尊人准则:指谓自己或与自己相关的事物时要“贬”和“谦”,指谓听者或与听者相关的事物时要“抬”和“尊”。(2)称呼准则:指人们出自礼貌,在相互称呼时应按上下、贵贱、长幼有别的传统来体现人际交往中的社会关系。(3)文雅准则:出言高雅、文质彬彬往往被视为是懂礼貌、有教养。其基本内容是“选用雅言,禁用秽语,多用委婉,少用直言”。(4)求同准则:这与“脸”或“面子”有关。所谓“求同”,就是注意对方的身份和社会地位,尊重对方的“面子”,力求使谈话和谐。(5)德、言、行准则:指在行为动机上尽量减少他人付出的代价,尽量增大他人的益处;在言辞上尽量夸大别人给自己的好处,尽量少说自己付出的代价。


范文5. Travelling People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. They go on to point out that touring will provide more chance for them to enjoy food and try on clothes that they otherwise cannot possible have.(注:geographical and historical 押尾韵,如:押头韵 clear & clean)Those who dislike travelling have their reasons. They would argue that travelling means a considerable amount of money and energy. For example, traffic and accommodation requir哗弧糕旧蕹搅革些宫氓e money and walking while seeing sights often tires you. In practice, travelling does more good than harm. If your finance and health permit, you might as well do some travelling from time to time. It will at least enable you to get familiar with people and things that you will probably grow to like and love. 注:1. in practice = I think 2. does more good than harm 好处比坏处多,其他表达方法:be superior to/ inferior to 比如:the advantages are superior to the disadvantages 3. enable 使范文1. Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET). Some people argue that it is absolutely necessary to hold a test of spoken English in China because we have been informed frequently that a Chinese student who has been learning English for over ten years cannot even communicate with a native speaker. Sometimes even those top students who excel in grammar and writing skills find their English inadequate to express their thoughts freely. A test of English will bring the college students an awareness of the importance of oral English, and will thus help them with their communicating skills. On the other hand, some others still maintain that a good command of reading and writing skills will be enough for the English learners. To some extent their opinion derives from the fact that students are already under considerable pressure from their opinion derives from the fact that students are already under considerable pressure from their coursework. Another required test will only add to their burden. Moreover, some students may take the shortcut by focusing on several guessed questions according to the fixed format of the test, hoping for a coincidence to bring them good luck. In my opinion, a test of spoken English will do more good than harm. Since China will continue its policy of opening and reform, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for anyone who wants to surpass others in a highly competitive society. Whether I take the test or not, I shall spare no efforts to practice oral English in the remaining years of my college study.9) Internet Owing to the speedy economic development, the number of the people who use Internet has considerably increased. It is universally acknowledged that Internet playa a crucial role in modern society. Due attention has to be paid to the issue of Internet. With the reform and opening-up in recent decades, people in mounting numbers have come to realize the significance of Internet. Unfortunately, if we let this situation continue as it is, we do not know where humans will be in the forthcoming future. Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. To begin with, we should cultivate the authorities to make strict laws to control Internet. In addition, we should cultivate the awareness of people that Internet. In addition, we should cultivate the awareness of people that Internet is essential to us. Only in this way can we solve the problem.0| 评论

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