



这要看你的para程度高不高了 如果你只是颠倒一下词语顺序而句式或者结构不变的话,还是可以查出抄袭的



cheat to cheat (in an exam);
主要用cheat作弊 to cheat (in an exam); to practice fraud; to engage in malpractice; to indulge in corrupt practices



cheat_百度翻译vt. 欺骗,诈骗; 误导,愚弄; 躲避,逃脱; vi. 作弊,行骗; 犯规; 俚〉不忠; 消磨,解(闷),消除(疲劳); n. 欺骗(行为); [例句]Students may be tempted to cheat in order to get into top schools.为了能进入一流学校,学生们会忍不住想作弊。
答案是: (考试中)作弊 cheat (in an exam)
cheat英 [t?i:t] 美 [t?it] vt.欺骗,诈骗;误导,愚弄;躲避,逃脱vi.作弊,行骗;犯规;俚〉不忠;消磨,解(闷),消除(疲劳)n.骗子;欺骗(行为);雀麦;〈美俚〉反光镜第三人称单数: cheats 复数: cheats 现在分词: cheating 过去式: cheated 过去分词: cheated


成人本科学士学位英语统一考试的主要目的是为了检测本地区成人教育系列中非外语专业的英语教学水平。本考试每年举行两次,一般在5月和11月,每次考试时间为2个小时,即上午9:00-11:00。本考试由北京市教委高教处负责,考务工作由北京教育综合服务中心具体实施。成人英语三级统一考试的目的是为了检测本地区成人教育系列中非外语专业的英语教学水平,保证成人本科毕业生学士学位的授予质量。 成人英语教学的目的是培养学生具有较强的阅读能力,一定的英汉互译能力和初步的听力能力,使他们能以英语为工具,获取专业所需要的信息,并为进一步提高英语水平打下较好的基础。为此,本考试主要考核学生运用语言的能力,重点是考核学生的阅读能力以及对语法结构和词语用法的熟练程度。 本考试是一种标准化考试。考试范围主要参照全日制文理科本科英语教学大纲所规定的一至三级除说的技能以外的大部分内容。在题型设计上,除英汉互译部分是主观性试题外,其余试题均采用客观性的多项选择题形式。待将来条件成熟时,再酌情增加听力及短文写作的内容。您好 ,九品论文很高兴为您解答,希望能帮助到您。九品论文专注论文操作,若有疑问欢迎追问咨询望采纳


老师: 我很抱歉,我在英语考试中作弊,被您发现后,我还死不承认,我经过您的批评后觉得自己错了,我不仅考试作弊,在同学中树立了不好的榜样,而且不敢承认错误,我今后再也不犯同样的错误了,老师,我错了! 2009年3月9日 检讨人:某某某
很简单先说自己为什么要作弊,在说说自己作弊的坏处,最后保证不再作弊了!! 比如: 这次英语考试前因为自己没认真复习导致考试前紧张怕考不好,所以想到了作弊,希望能给老师和家长好的成绩。但是被老师抓住了,我非常后悔,觉得作弊不对啊,不但欺骗了老师和家长还欺骗了自己,考试是对自己阶段学习的一个检测,如果作弊将会使得自己不能发现学习中的问题,而且还给同学们做了反面榜样。这个不对滴,我已经充分的认识到了自己的错误,我保障以后绝对不会再犯同样的错误了,不在作弊望老师与同学们监督我看我的表现吧!!! 反正我作弊被抓都是这一套从初中用到高中没问题的!!!老师嘛~~~就是看你的思想觉悟高不高认识的够不够!!!!

7,谁能帮我修改英语论文 我穷学生一枚没有钱只付得起悬赏很急明天

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紧供参考Hester Prynne ---- ResurrectionA THESISSUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISHOF --------------------UNIVERSITYIN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTSFOR THE DEGREE OFBACHELOR OF ARTSBY----------------------------CLASS: 3 GRADE: 2002SUPERVISED BY---------------------------June 2006ContentsChapter One: Biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne…………………………………...P1Chapter Tw Depravity---the Origin of the Scarlet Letter…………………………..P2Chapter Three: Hester Prynnes Resurrection --- From Suffering and Redemption to Salvation……………………………………………………………………………...P5Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….P10References…………………………………………………………………………..P11Hester Prynne---ResurrectionAbstract: The Scarlet Letter makes the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne known all around the world. Hawthorne is a pious Christian, and is deeply influenced by the theology. Hes so much indulged in the religious doctrine that people can find the reflection of the God almost everywhere in his works. After reading The Scarlet Letter, one is mostly impressed by the spirit of The Bible the story depicted. The book chiefly discusses sin and how to atone for it. Hester Prynne is the heroine of the fiction. This paper researches her fate to illustrate the influence of The Bible to Hawthorne. Hester Prynne commits adultery and is forced to wear a scarlet letter “A” on her breast. At the beginning, she encounters all kinds of sufferings, both from the society and from her own soul. However, she realizes her sin and tries her best to atone for it. And she dose not choose to avoid her fault. Finally, through her endeavor, God forgives her. In short, sin and atoning for sin, that is the purpose of this paper. Keywords: The Scarlet Letter., Hester Prynne, The Bible, sin and atonement.Chapter One: Biography of Nathaniel HawthorneWith the publication of The Scarlet Letter in 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne became one of the greatest writer at that time and built his reputation as a major American author. Since that time on, people began to take great interest in all aspects of his life .

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