1,他本应当昨天交论文 翻译

He was supposed to hand in the paper yesterday.希望能帮助到你!

他本应当昨天交论文 翻译





每个人上交一篇论文 Everyone hand out a paper
Everyone hands in a dissertation
Everyone hand in a dissertation


4,我想问一下 毕业设计中要交的 外文翻译怎样弄比较好 谢谢

你是想问什么?你想用外语写毕业设计吗?写Literature review 的structure,告诉你.1,Abstract,2,Keywords,3,Introduction4,Body(include methodology, discussion and results)5,conclusion,6,bibliography.


首先给你纠正一下...这叫论语 不是论文... 子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不悦,不亦君子乎?” 孔子说:经常学习,不是愉悦的事吗?(说通悦)有远方的朋友来拜访,不是快乐得事吗?别人不了解我,但我并不因此生气,这不是君子所为吗? 曾子曰:"吾日三省(xǐng)吾身:为人谋而不忠乎 与朋友交而不信乎 传不习乎 " 曾子(孔子的徒弟)说:我每天三次反省我自己:做人是不是诚实,与朋友交往有没有不诚信,老师教给我的东西有没有学习. 子曰:"温故而知新,可以为师矣." 孔子说:复习旧的知识,学习新的东西,这样就可以成为老师了. 子曰:"学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆." 孔子说:只学习而不思考是没有用的,只思考不学习就容易倦怠 子曰:"由,诲女知之乎!知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也." 孔子说:由(孔子得徒弟),教导你的话你都明白了吗,明白了就说明白,不明白就说不明白,这才是真正的明白. 子曰:"见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也." 孔子说:看到优秀的人,就想像他们学习,见到有劣迹的人,就反省自己(是不是也做同样的事). 子曰:"三人行,必有我师焉;择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之." 孔子说:三个人走在一起,必定有一个有值得我学习的地方,选择他优秀的品德来学习,不好的地方我要改正. 曾子曰:"士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远.仁以为己任,不亦重乎 死而后已,不亦远乎 " 曾子说:有远大理想抱负的人不可以不刚强勇毅,责任很重,路途又很遥远,把推行仁政当作自己的责任,不是很重?死了才停止,不是很远吗? 子曰:"岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也." 孔子说:冬天来了,才缉鸡光课叱酒癸旬含莫知道松柏比其它树木凋零得晚 子贡问曰:"有一言而可以终身行之者乎 "子曰:"其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施于人." 子贡(孔子的弟子)问孔子:有什么话可以让我们一辈子都遵循吗?孔子说:自己不想要的东西,切勿强加给别人.


Title: The study of rapid detection of soybean by Near Infrared Spectrum(NIR)Abstract: Fatty acid value is an important indicator to measure the quality of soybean. The sample calibration equation of soybean fatty acid value was established by combining Near Infrared Spectrum with chemometrics method, and the equation was validated and optimized. The interactive calibration coefficient (1-VR) was 0.9482, and the external validation coefficient (R2) was 0.9150. The standard deviation of calibration (SEC) was 1.2058, and the standard deviation of cross-validation (SECV) was 1.5912. The standard deviation (SEP) was predicted to 1.395 by currently available data. External verification indicated that the method can be applied to the fact detect. Based on the FOSS XDS Rapid Determination by NIR, the mathematical model of soybean moisture content was established. The effect of optical processing and mathematical treatment to the model were discussed and studied, and the internal and external verification of the model were also performed. the optimal model parameters obtainde by experimental results were described as following: to select the standard treatment in a optical processing (SNV Only), to select methods of in a mathematical processing, the interactive calibration coefficient of determination of soybean moisture calibration equation (1 1 vR ) was 0.9908, the calibration coefficient of determination (R) was 0.9939, the standard error of calibration (SEC) was 0.0967, the interactive calibration standard error (SECV) was 0.1273. Existing data had showed that the standard deviation (SEP) was 0.136. The established model was applied to the determination of soybean moisture content, and the results had reached the the requirements of replacing conventional standard, indicating that the method could be applied to the rapid detection.Keywords: NIR (Near Infrared Spectrum); soybean; moisture content; fatty acid value 嘿嘿,恭祝答辩顺利!
就是这些、没错了Fatty acid value is an important measure of soybean quality indicators. Nearly infrared spectroscopy technology and chemical measurement method, the calibration of soybean sample fatty acid values, and the calibration equation equation, optimized verifies the calibration of soybean fatty acid values, interactive correction coefficient equation of decision (1-0) for the VR] 94.8 2, external validation decision factor (R2) to 0 0, calibration standard deviation 915 (SEC) for 1 August 205, cross validation SECV) for the standard deviation of (1) 2, the existing data to predict ecol.model. SEP standard deviation for 1 395. Through the external validation, shows that this method can also be applied to practical test. FOSS is established based on XDS near-infrared spectrum analyzer rapid determination of moisture content of soybean processing and optical model, learn to handle means the influence factors such as model, probes into the internal and external model validation. Experimental results show that the optimal parameters for the building mode selection standards, optical treatment normalization SNV (number), how to learn selection method, with the interaction of soybean moisture calibration equations (1 a decisive coefficients calibration for 0.990 8 vR, calibration decision (R) for 0.993 coefficient of 9, calibration error (SEC), interactive calibration for 0.67ka 7 standard error (SECV) for 0.127 3, the existing data (SEP) to predict the standard deviation of 0.136 for. Use this mode of soybean moisture content, reached the standard method instead of conventional requirements and can be used in the rapid detection.Keywords: near infrared spectrum, Soybean, Moisture. Fatty acid values
完全人译Abstract: The fatty acid value is an important indicator to measure the quality of soybean. This paper tried to combine the near-Infrared spectroscopy technology with the chemometrics methods to establish a calibration equation of the fatty acid value of the soybean sample, and obtaied a optimized calibration equation of the value of fatty acid of soybean by validating the calibration equation. The interactive calibration determination coefficient (1-VR) is 0.948 2, the external validation determination coefficient (R2) is 0.915 0, the standard error calibration (SEC) is 1.205 8, the standard error of cross validation (SECV) is 1.591 2, and the existing data of standard error of predict (SEP) is 1.395. It shows that the methods can be applied in a practical testng by external verification. This paper also established a soybean moisture content model based on the FOSS XDS rapid determination of near infrared spectroscopy instrument, and discussed the effections on the model both from the factors of mathematical treatment and optical treatment and so on, and proceeded internal and external verification to the model. The experiment results showed that the best model parameters are: to chose the standard treatment in a optical processing (SNV Only), to chose methods of in a mathematical processing, the interactive calibration coefficient of determination of soybean moisture calibration equation (1 1 vR ) is 0.990 8, the calibration coefficient of determination (R) is 0.993 9, the standard error of calibration (SEC) is 0.096 7, the interactive calibration standard error (SECV) is 0.127 3, the existing data Standard errors of prediction (SEP) is 0.136. A substitution of the conventional standard methods can be reached by applying this model to test the soybean moisture content and applied in a rapid detection. Keywords: near infrared spectroscopy; soybean; moisture content; fatty acid value建议分段,可显得眉目清晰
Abstract: The fatty acid is an important indicator to measure the quality of soybean. Near-Infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics methods to establish the value of soybean fatty acid sample calibration equation, and the calibration equation is validated, the optimized value of soybean fatty acid calibration equation, interactive calibration coefficient of determination (1-VR) to 0.948 2, the external validation coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.915 0 and standard deviation of calibration (SEC) to 1.205 8, the standard deviation of cross-validation (SECV) to 1.591 2, existing data predict the standard deviation (SEP) was 1.395. External verification, that this method can be applied to the actual test.Established based on the FOSS XDS Rapid Determination of Near Infrared Spectroscopy of soybean moisture content model and mathematical treatment of the optical processing means and so the impact on the model discussed, the model of internal and external verification. Experimental results show that the best model parameters: the normalization of the optical processing used standard treatment (SNV Only), mathematical processing methods used, soybean moisture calibration equation interactive calibration coefficient of determination (1 1 vR ) is 0.990 8, calibration coefficient of determination (R) 0.993 9, the standard error of calibration (SEC) 0.096 7, interactive calibration standard error (SECV) was 0.127 3, existing data predict the standard deviation (SEP) was 0.136. The model was tested on soybean moisture content, reached the place of the requirements of conventional standard method can be applied to rapid detection.Keywords: Near infrared spectroscopy; soybean; water; fatty acid value
你说的都有一些专业术语,可能翻译不好,不好意思哈。Rapid Detection of Soybean Near-Infrared Abstract: The fatty acid is an important indicator to measure the quality of soybean. Near-Infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics methods to establish the value of soybean fatty acid sample calibration equation, and the calibration equation was validated, optimized value of soybean fatty acid calibration equation, interactive calibration coefficient of determination (1-VR) to 0.948 2, the external validation coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.915 0 and standard deviation of calibration (SEC) to 1.205 8, the standard deviation of cross-validation (SECV) to 1.591 2, existing data predict the standard deviation (SEP) was 1.395. External verification, that this method can be applied to the actual test. Established based on the FOSS XDS Rapid Determination of Near Infrared Spectroscopy of soybean moisture content model and mathematical treatment of the optical processing means and so the impact on the model discussed, the model of internal and external verification. Experimental results show that the best model parameters: the normalization of the optical processing used standard treatment (SNV Only), mathematical processing methods used, soybean moisture calibration equation interactive calibration coefficient of determination (1 1 vR ) is 0.990 8, calibration coefficient of determination (R) 0.993 9, the standard error of calibration (SEC) 0.096 7, interactive calibration standard error (SECV) was 0.127 3, the existing data Standard errors of prediction (SEP) was 0.136. The model was tested on soybean moisture content, reached the place of the requirements of conventional standard method can be applied to rapid detection. Keywords: Near infrared spectroscopy; soybean; water; fatty acid value

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