来源:整理 编辑:八论文 2023-09-12 10:06:47
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2,英语中表询问意见的句子 如何回答
相反地回答。比如would you mind open the door?回答不介意的话就可以用:Of course not,please.你说的这句Would you mind not do this?回答时前面句按正常逻辑,介意就yes,不介意no,但是后句要反过来。你的题目里回答的要看语境了,某些特殊情况是可以用的。但在中学英语里出现这样的语法点可能考察的就不是特殊情况。也许你应该答:Yes,I would not。意思是:是的,我不会介意(你那样做)
如果你接受的的话,你可以说 Thanks for your suggestion which is very practical,and I will take it.如果你不认可的话,你可以委婉得说 Thank you. I will consider it.ul for what we have untilthank you sorry,but thanks anyway i will do what you siad
可以回复: 谢谢老师的指教,我一直在努力学习英语,这也是我的弱项。按照老师的要求,我认真地对稿子加以修改,不知老师是否满意?thanks very much for your comments, which are very helpful for us to improve the manuscript, and our language should be improved. after carefully check, we found many grammar and sentence errors, and have modified the manuscript accordingly. furthermore, we have invited several english teachers help correct grammar and sentences, and we hope the revised paper will be more clear and accurate on expressions.
或许可以把评审意见分开来考虑。顾名思义,评-审-意见。也就是首先要指出对方的优点与不足,然后根据优点与不足来给出最后结果或者评分,最后作为专家给对方一些指导意见和建议。按照审稿人意见,一条一条回复就行。你认为不需要修改的地方,谈谈你自己的理由!thank you for your letter and for the reviewers comments concerning our manuscript entitled “paper title” (id: 文章稿号). those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. we have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. revised portion are marked in red in the paper. the main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewers comments are as flowing:responds to the reviewers comments:reviewer #1: 1. response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)response: ××××××2. response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)response: ××××××。。。。。。逐条意见回答,切忌一定不能有遗漏针对不同的问题有下列几个礼貌术语可适当用用:we are very sorry for our negligence of ……...we are very sorry for our incorrect writing ……...it is really true as reviewer suggested that……we have made correction according to the reviewers comments.we have re-written this part according to the reviewers suggestionas reviewer suggested that……considering the reviewers suggestion, we have ……最后特意感谢一下这个审稿人的意见:special thanks to you for your good comments. reviewer #2: 同上述reviewer #3: ××××××other changes: 1. line 60-61, the statements of “……” were corrected as “…………”2. line 107, “……” was added 3. line 129, “……” was deleted ××××××we tried our best to improve the manuscript and made some changes in the manuscript. these changes will not influence the content and framework of the paper. and here we did not list the changes but marked in red in revised paper.we appreciate for editors/reviewers warm work earnestly, and hope that the correction will meet with approval.once again, thank you very much for your comments and suggestions.
以下是我的文章的审稿意见,以及我对审稿意见的回复。***先生您好!您的稿件已通过专家审查,我刊同意对原稿进行修改后刊用。请按专家意见、我刊投稿须知修改。专家意见如下:1. 题目太大。水稻基因型的筛选指标有多种。本文主要涉及到性状指标、营养指标。建议对题目作些限定。2. 关键词中英文顺序不一致。3. 文中存在部分错别字4.讨论水培4周的干物重相对值与收获期各相对值之间的相关系数达不到显著的原因。除了作者提出的水稻根系对土壤磷可利用性的影响之外,不同品种生育期的差异也可能影响对磷的吸收利用,由于文中未列出品种生育期,所以很难核对,建议作者作进一步的思考和核实分析。如果是事实,可以补充。5. 请注意引用我刊文章。看了这个审稿意见,其实第2,3,5是小问题,主要是针对第1和第4条我的回复如下:******编辑部编辑先生、女士:您好!非常感谢编辑和审稿人对“********”一文的大力斧正,作者已按照贵刊的要求作了详细修改,尚有不妥之处敬请指正。现将贵刊所提的问题回答如下:1)关于题目太大的问题。的确,正如审稿意见上所说的那样,耐低磷水稻基因型的筛选指标有很多种,除了本文涉及到的性状指标和营养指标以外,还有其它的生理生化指标。然而,目前在筛选耐低磷水稻基因型的工作中一般还是用性状指标和营养指标来作筛选的。另外,也很难找到一个非常恰当的名词来代替文中所讨论到的所有指标。因此文中的题目才用了“筛选指标”这个范围稍微有点大的词。2) 关于不同水稻品种生育期的差异也可能影响水稻对磷的吸收利用问题。笔者同意审稿人的观点,也认为不同水稻生育期的差异会对水稻吸收利用磷素造成一定的影响。同时,也认为开展不同水稻品种生育期的差异对水稻吸收利用磷素的影响方面的研究对筛选和培育耐低磷水稻基因型工作具有较大的理论和实际意义。然而,本文研究的主要目的是研究不同供磷条件下水稻苗期的各性状指标的变异情况以及水稻在水培条件苗期的性状指标与大田试验条件下收获期的性状指标之间的相互关系。因此本文的大田试验的设计相对比较简单,这样从本试验的结果和数据中很难探讨不同水稻品种生育期的差异对水稻吸收利用磷素的影响方面的问题。当然,笔者可以在以后的工作中进行上述问题的研究。3) 文中的英文摘要以及其它需修改处按贵刊的要求作了修改,有不当之处,望来电或来信告知,以便改正。此致!敬礼!在投期刊杂志的时候,幸运的直接accept,如果可以accept with minim revision也还算不错,基本上调调版式改改文字就可以满足要求。但如果遇到accept with major revision也一定不要气馁,因为机会仍然存在,所谓大修一般可能是缺少必要的实验或者证明支持,说服力不够。编辑给你修改的机会也是因为他们看中文章的内容,所以一定要针对审稿人的意见认真修改。这个过程是个很有收获的过程。但如果真的不幸遭遇reject,也不要灰心,好好地学习审稿人的意见,通常他们的意见还是非常专业与中肯的,然后逐条修改后再向该刊或者他刊发起新一轮的进攻,呵呵~~~今天在小木虫上学习到一些关于回复审稿人意见的心得,觉得很有道理,就拿过来让更多关注的tx看到。其实在回复审稿人意见的时候,除了写清修改内容外,还有一些话是必须要写的。对审稿人的意见提出不同的看法也应该讲究一定的技巧。 首先,不论审稿人提了什么意见,你在回复的时候,第一句话一定要说:“谢谢您的建议,您的所有建议都非常的重要,它们对我的论文写作和科研工作都具有重要的指导意义!!” 其次,在回复信的结尾最好写上“再次谢谢您的建议,希望能够从您哪里学到更多的知识。”这句话最好用黑体,要显眼。 再次,如果审稿人提的意见你暂时无法做到(比如,要你增加实验或改进实验等)。那么,为了论文尽快发表,你必须拒绝这样的要求。但是,你不要摆出一大堆理由来证明这个意见是不好实现的。你应该说:“谢谢您的建议,它非常的重要,由于您的建议,我发现了我目前工作中的不足之处,我会在以后的工作中按照您的建议提高科研水平,取得更多成绩!”这样就委婉的拒绝了评审意见,又让评审人觉得你很看重他的意见。 第四,如果审稿人的意见明显有问题。那么没办法了,你必须据理力争。但是,你一定不能说:“审稿人先生,我认为你的意见是错的!”你不必对他的意见发表任何的评论,只需要列出你的理由和证据就可以了,结尾也不要强调你的观点是正确的。简单说就是“既不说你对,也不说我对,证据说话”。 以上四点我还是认可的,很受用。这也很容易让人懂,就是让你的文字活起来,倘若你是审稿人也会心里觉得舒服。
7,如何回复Peer Review
论文题目: Clinical implications of XXXX (一种病理指标) in X cancer 所投杂志:BMC Cancer. 结果:这次大修后被接受发表(同时编辑在接受信中 提出课题是否得到伦理委员会同意的问题。作者在论文适当地方加上了有关陈述) 审稿人内容(有删节): Reviewer"s report Clinical implications of XXXX (一种病理指标) in X cancer Version: 1 Date: 12 June 200X Reviewer: XXXX XXXX (A Japanese Reviewer) Reviewer"s report: General ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major Compulsory Revisions (that the author must respond to before a decision on publication can be reached) 1. XXXXX. 2. XXXXX. 3. XXXXX. 4) The clinico pathological parameters examined are reported in Table 1. Among the primary tumor characteristics, the Authors consider the diameter, but ignore T stage. Consequently the T parameter is not considered in the multivariate analysis. In other studies, T stage has emerged as an independent factor. The Authors should therefore state the reason for their unusual choice. Nor is the number of metastatic nodes reported in this table. Moreover, for tumor differentiation, the Authors distinguish between two groups (differentiated vs undifferentiated), instead of between the usual 3 categories (G1, G2 and G3). I have never heard of the histological classification used by the Authors (massive, next and diffuse). They might therefore state their reasons for choosing it, providing a reference, if available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor Essential Revisions (such as missing labels on figures, or the wrong use of a term, which the author can be trusted to correct) XXXXX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discretionary Revisions (which the author can choose to ignore) (None) What next?: Reject because too small an advance to publish Level of interest: An article of limited interest Quality of written English: Needs some language corrections before being published [b]Statistical review: Yes, but I do not feel adequately qualified to assess the statistics. 作者原答: T stage is considered in the multivariate analysis, and some modification has been made in tumor differentiation and histological classification. 建 议改答: We accept Dr. XXX comment (表明你对审稿人的欣赏和赞同). In the revised version of the manuscript, T stage has been added in the multivariate analysis, and description of tumor differentiation and histological classification has been modified; the histological classification in the original manuscript has been replaced by the generally accepted classification (Page 6, line 15; Table 4) (同意审稿人的建议,并根据其建议进行修改。同时指出在何处做了修改。). 加注:作者原回答与修改后的回答并无本质差 别,正文中的修改也是一样的。但作者原回答会给审稿人“不太乐意”或“轻描淡写”的印象。因为审稿人花了122个单词来就此问题发表建议,而作者只用了 20个。 修改后的回答,相信一开始就赢得审稿人的好感。你的回答不光是给审稿人看的,杂志编辑也会看(至少审稿人会这么认为),所以,审稿人会有 种满足感(国外审稿人没有酬劳,得到作者和编辑的认可是他们审稿最主要的目的)。建议得到认可(当然,这里审稿人的确是正确合理的),而且作者还按其建议 对文章进行修改,相信绝大多数审稿人是不会(不好意思)再拒绝修改稿的(所谓伸手不打笑面人)。当然,这篇文章起死回生、二审通过审稿关,关键是杂志编辑 手下留情,给了作者再投(Re-submission)的机会。 有时,审稿人的建议得到作者认可,但作者无法按建议修改,尤其补做试验。这种情况 将在以后举例说明。peer review [审计] 同业互查:除工作产品的作者之外的一个或多个人检查该产品,以期发现缺陷及其改进时机的一种活动。双语例句:1.this is done by the brutal system of peer review, which has its flaws. 这一切要由残酷的同业互查系统来做,而它有自己的缺陷。2.peer review is a powerful tool for sharing knowledge of an implementation, and streamlining it to be more robust and maintainable. 同行审查是一个共享实现知识的强大的工具,它能够使系统代码更加强壮和可维护。3.this report has undergone unprecedented peer review from top experts in everyregion, representing the most intensive consultation process since the first worldhealth report was issued in 1995. 该报告经历了前所未有的各区域顶级专家的同行审查,是1995年首次发布《世界卫生报告》以来最深入的一次协商过程。
怎么回复英文审稿意见怎么 回复 英文