
爱丽丝穿过草地Alice goes across the grass



grass 英[ɡrɑ:s] 美[ɡrɑs] n. 草,青草;草地,草坪;告密者;〈俚〉龙须菜 vt. 用草覆盖;使…长满草;使…吃草 vi. 渐渐被草覆盖;放牧 [例句]Do we believe the grass is always greener?例如我们是否认为山那边的草更绿?



割草 - cut/trim the grass 修剪草地 - mow the lawn
mow the law乂剪草坪:trim the grass修剪草地~割草动词MOWING
mowing ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~
cut grass



郭纳斯 —— 比较像中文的名字哦!!!
人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 格拉斯地貌名称,来源于中世纪英语或德语,含义是“草地,草原,牧场”(grass,pasture,grazing); [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 格拉斯绰号,粗壮的人,来源于盎格鲁诺曼底法语,含义是“肥胖”(fat); [人名] [苏格兰人姓氏] 格拉斯职业名称,来源于盖尔语,含义是“鞋匠”(shoemaker); [地名] 草地、牧场(英语);


He lay on the grass, with both hands crossed behind his head, looking at the stars in the sky.
He lay on the grass, hands crossed behind his hand ,looking at the stars in the sky.
He lay on the grass, hands folded behind her head, looking at the stars in the sky.
He lay on the grass, hands folded behind her head, looking at the stars in the sky
He lay on the grass, hands folded behind her head, looking at the stars in the sky


1;办公时间2;进口3; 出口4; 妇女5; 不准抽烟6; 不准吐痰7; 邮箱 8; 不准践踏草坪 9; 油漆未干10; 禁止停车
1;商务时间2;进口3; 出口4; 妇女5; 禁止抽烟6; 没有分散7; 邮箱 8; 别踩草9; 湿颜料10; 禁止停车
1;商务时间2;进口3; 出口4; 妇女5; 没有抽烟6; 没有分散7; 邮箱 8; 让开草9; 湿油漆10; 禁止停车
1 BUSINESS HOURS 营业时间 2 ENTRANCE 入口 3 EXIT 出口 4 WOMENS 窗口 5 NO SMOKING 禁止吸烟! 6 NO SPITTING 禁止随地吐痰! 7 PO BOX 邮箱 8 KEEP OFF THE GRASS 远离(即不要践踏)草地! 9 WET PAINT 油漆未干! 10 NO PARKING 禁止泊车!
1. 营业时间 2.入口 3.出口 4.女盥洗室 5.请勿吸烟 6.请勿随地吐痰 7.邮政信箱 8.请勿践踏草坪 9.油漆未干,请勿触摸 10.请勿停车
1营业时间 2入口 3 返回 4窗户 5不要吸烟 6不准吐痰 7邮箱 8请不要踩草 9 油漆未干 10 不得停车谢谢能帮助到你
1;商务时间2;入口3; 出口4; 妇女5; 禁止抽烟6; 没有分散7; 邮箱 8; 不践踏草地 9; 油漆未干10; 禁止停车


There are some grasses and colorful flowers in the beautiful lawn of school . Many students are listening carefully to the teacher in the class.Moreover,there are a lots of schoolmates who do exercises in the playgound.This is a part of school. 数学怎么写(英文);mathematics(n.)学习怎么写(英文);study(vt./n.)/learn(vi.)进步怎么写(英文);prograss(n./vi)努力怎么写(英文);effort(n.)/hard(adv.)/try hard(动词短语)福娃怎么写(英文);friendies(这个是固定名字了不能用中文硬翻,之所以是复数,因为它是5个)花怎么写(英文);flower(n.)太阳怎么写(英文);sun(n.)月亮怎么写(英文);moon(n.)英文单词是要背的,不能老靠翻译网站,词性及语法要记住。翻译中不能用中文式一个个字翻译,要一句一句的根据英文语法翻译,有些特定的连词是必须用的,要不文章会很死板。还有一些单词本来就含有的意思不用逐字翻译eg.grass,本来就含有青草的意思,加green完全是多余。
In the beautiful school lawn has the green the grass,Colorful flower;In the classroom has many students, they all with rapt attention are listening; In the drill ground has very many schoolmates to make gymnastics. This is a school part.
In the beautiful school lawn has the green the grass,Colorful flower;In the classroom has many students, they all with rapt attention are listening; In the drill ground has very many schoolmates to make gymnastics. This is a school part.数学 math学习 study努力 work hard花 flower太阳 sun月亮 moon查询网址:www.chinahw.net
真的要“意译”的话,虎是tiger,云是cloud尹是姓,就不翻也罢,用yin就好,真要翻的话,尹一般只在古文里用,比如说“以尹天下”,尹当治理,管理的意思,英语就是 (动词)rule 或 govern。另外,尹也用于官名,比如说“府尹”,那就翻成(名词)governor 好了
In the beautiful school lawn has the green the grass, colorful flower; In the classroom has the many student, they all with rapt attention are listening; In the drill ground has the very many schoolmates is doing the gymnastics. This is the school one part.数学 math学习 study努力 work hard 福娃friendies花 flower太阳 sun月亮 moon

文章TAG:Tinytiny  grass  中文  