
the places which attract visitors.....吸引游客的景点....



Beauty everywhere in the park, which attract tourists between


3,增加知名度 吸引游客 用英语怎么翻译

(好像是的吧!) adjusting to the development and enhancing the polularity

增加知名度 吸引游客 用英语怎么翻译


The sea and the sky is blue, the air is fresh, to attract tourists

5,吸引来自世界各地的游客 英文怎么写

It abstracts tourists all over the world.
attract tourists from all over the world.
Attract visitors from all over the world
attracted tourist from all over the world


1 attracting more tourists, promote tourism development; 2 to increase employment opportunities, improve the living standards of residents 3; convenient transportation, beautiful environment
to attract more tourists in order to strengthen the developemnt of tourism.


It can attract millions of visitors every year望采纳
黄山位于安徽南部 每年都能吸引数百万的游客来游览 我乘车到黄山 我一下车就登山 大约半小时后 在登山过程中 我领略了奇松、怪石、云海、温泉等秀丽的风景 mount huangshan is located in the south of anhui every year to attract millions of visitors come to visit my travel to mount huangshan as soon as i got out to mountaineering in about half an hour in the climbing process i appreciate cison, rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs, the beautiful scenery

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