1,essay的introduction 和conclusion怎么写

conclusion paragraph也就是结尾段,其作用就是概括全文内容,进一步强调或肯定文章中心思想或者是用于展望未来,提出今后方向或令人深思问题给读者留下回味和思考余地。下面是我从hotessay官网里面为你找来的几种conclusion paragraph写作最常用方法,你可以看一下,可能对你有帮助:1、重复中心思想:回到文章开头阐明中心思想或主题句上,达到再次肯定和强调效果。2、作出结论:文章最后用几句话概括全文内容,并进一步肯定文章中心思想或作者观点。3、应用引语:用格言、谚语或习语总结全文,既言简意赅又有更强说服力。4、用反问结尾:虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定,具有明显强调作用,引起读者思考。5、提出展望或期望:表示对将来展望或期待读者投入行动。望采纳~

essay的introduction 和conclusion怎么写

2,我最近在写英文的essay 但是我对于英文写作的行文逻辑还是不太了解

Essay structureIntroduction---General Statements(usually restate the essay questions) Thesis statements (stating the main themes, and your perspectives)Body-----including 3 paragraphs 1.topic sentence, then 3-4 sentences to support your view, concluding sentences paragraph 2 and 3 have the same structures as aboveconclusion---restatement or summary of the main points;final comment

我最近在写英文的essay 但是我对于英文写作的行文逻辑还是不太了解

3,如何写作Essay Analysis

对于英国论文Essay Analysis的写作需要明确自己的写作观点,今天就为大家讲述一下英国论文Essay Analysis的写作。对文章记笔记在你开始写作之前,你需要有一个深入的把握。最好的方法就是当你阅读时做笔记。你可能需要多次复习之前的材料。当你阅读的时候,注意一些方面:作者的论据,以及所使用的假设。阅读后,思考文章会吸引什么人,为什么论点令人信服。essay构思将笔记进行整理,把这些想法放在一起,形成一个连贯的思想。小编介绍,基于你的笔记,开始进行构思。你对这个问题的回答,你的论文,列出你的主要论点。选择你的主要观点确定Essay的主调后,通过你的笔记找到至少三个最好的论点来支持你的想法。将需要使用文本来支持你的观点,怎么做取决于你的立场。使用前面的例子,您可能会专注于几个统计数据和某些例子证明你的观点当你开始写作,注意你的教授要求的格式。小编介绍,在引入话题之后,需要段落安排你的正文,这样论据就有一定的作用。从本文引入证据,最后说明如何证明论点。如何写一篇Essay Analysis,对于一篇essay Analysis而言,学会如何进行写作,也是十分重要的。小编介绍,Essay Analysis需要的是对其进行分析,同样也遵循论文的基本格式,通过提出自己的观点,然后进行分析,用论据进行证明,学会如何去论证,小编认为,对于一篇Essay Analysis,应当有鲜明的观点进行阐述。在写英国论文之前同学们应该对所写作的论文格式做一定的了解,在英国留学期间我们也一定会出现各种各样关于英国论文写作的相关问题,在英国留学时有任何的英国论文写作的问题同学们都可以咨询一些国内较为知名的留学服务网站:例如51Due、留学府都是非常不错的留学网站,希望能够帮助到大家。

如何写作Essay Analysis

4,如何准备英国大学申请Essay求英国大学申请Essay写作方法 问

narrative essay记叙文给读者讲述了一个故事,一篇好的记叙文可能会使读者仿佛通过作者的眼睛看到或感受到故事的发生。因此,这种写作的最典型特征如下:1.通常,它是从一个特定的角度来讲述,这个角度在当局者和旁观者之间发生变化,比如读书报告也是记叙文。记叙文通常都采用第一人称。2.它不仅仅是讲述一个故事,它应该是有目的去写,提出观点并且举例验证它。3.使用直接引语也是恰当的。4.简而言之,它的结构相似于小说的结构:它有情节、冲突和人物刻画,利用细节和描述吸引读者的眼球。简单来说,narrative essay记叙文与大多数的学术文献有本质区别。他们关心的是“what”,而不是“why”。当老师要求你写一篇读书报告或者让你描述一下你在大学的第一天时,他或她不期望你写什么你对于教育系统的观点。narrative essay记叙文是有事实依据的——通常预先假定的事情都是已知的,而记叙文基于实际发生的事情讲述的,因此排除所有其他类型的文章。这就是它最关注的中心。此外,来看看一些典型的narrative essay记叙文的主题:1.你最难忘的成功或失败——your most memorable success or failure.2.你做过的一件好事或坏事——a good or bad thing you did.3.在你意识到某些事情的一瞬间——a moment when you realized something.4.改变你生活的一件事——an event that made you change your life.5.童年最难忘的一件事——a memorable event from your childhood.身边的任何事都能写出一篇narrative essay,当然,必须是有意义的事情。写narrative essay最关键的是学会品味生活的细微与寻常之处。


一、Essay和Report的关系1.二者的相同点。在字体上都是Times New Roman,小四,行距1.5倍,建议小伙伴们最好在写作前就把格式调好,避免写好后再调会出现状况;另外,文章的每一段开头一定要顶格写。2.二者的不同点。Essay最主要包括四个部分:Introduction、Main Body、Conclusion以及Reference。第一个是Topic的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题,一般占总字数的10%左右;主体部分占80%左右,且要具有逻辑性;结论部分占10%左右,主要是把文章的主要观点用一两句话概括出来;最后的Reference部分,不管前面主体部分最后一页剩多少,都要另起一页写,且每一条都要空一行。引用部分分为直接引用和间接引用,对于直接引用,我们要在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注,没有出现作者则在引用的句子后面用(作者名,年代,页码)的形式标注,间接引用方法与直接引用的形式一样,只是不需要标注页码。Report的要求则严格一些:标题页包括标题和executive summary。Executive summary是对文章的摘要,在文章的最后还有一个部分是Recommendation,即对提出的问题的建议。二、论文的写作要求1.Abstract(序)一般是1-2段,字数一般为文章的10%-15%,该部分的目的是让读者明白文章写了什么。在开头,一般要用一两句自己的语言来总结和解释文章的题目,即把文章的题目写一遍;在细节上,则是概括我们在文中写了什么,每个论点用两三句话来总结即可;结尾部分则要总结和延伸所有论点和整个大标题。2.Introduction(开头)该部分的字数是文章总数的10%左右,一般只用一段,前两句用来解释文章的题目,即用自己的话把文章题目写一遍,接着介绍文章题目的背景。本部分内容主要是将要在本文中写的内容用两三句话概括,一般情况下,导师给出的题目都比较宽泛,所以小伙伴们要结合自己的专业知识特长来确定Topic。3.Body(主体)主体,即讨论部分。整篇Essay都是在围绕某一个中心论点展开的,那就是陈述问题、讨论问题并最后解决问题。但是,总论点下面都会有分论点,所以我们的每一个分论点都必须用一段来写。那么在主体部分该怎么写呢? 在每一段中,先用一两句话解释论点,再列出正确的和符合的Examples来支持论点,这些事需要重点写,因为举例在文章中很重要。Body部分一般有3-6个论点,每一段最好各有联系,且层层深入。4.Conclusion(结论)该部分占文章字数的10%左右,只用写一段即可。主要写出在讨论之后得出的最后结论,并确定自己最后要论证的核心论点即可。


你好,很高兴回答你的问题,雅思作文怎么些合适呢?下面是一个写作的大致思路,针对的是雅思写作中不同的话题形式,而不仅仅局限在essay,希望对你有一些启发:在多年的雅思培训工作中发现了一个有趣的现象,中国考生写的雅思作文结构清晰,但普遍没有语感,这也是很多亚洲雅思考生存在的共同问题。北京雅思郑州分校的老师针对这个问题,特地从网上转载了一篇雅思写作大作文9分的文章并附上点评,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用。在本文中,作者很明显是不赞成题目的说法,即 Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. 但是作者自己是更偏向穷人家的孩子呢,还是富人家的孩子呢?!根据文章来看,作者是中立,他所看重的是他们所接受的教育。In other words,整篇文章又是一次中立的写法。在雅思考试中,这种写法经常使用,还是非常实用的,大家可以学习一下。Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficulties posed by the real world when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children of wealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties . The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident, but in fact require closer examination. ( 58words )点评: 1+ 1 模式,最后 1 句为主题句。此段的主题句稍微有点特殊,它的确否定了前面所提到的观点,从而表达出了自己的观点,此外还引出了下文。特别是最后半句: but in fact require closer examination ,感觉是在抛砖引玉。The popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on the value of a buck, and are thus naturally better suited to stretching moneywhen times get tough in adulthood. Inversely, the children of wealthy families, thoseborn with a silver spoon in their mouths, are believed to be completely ignorant of the value of money, having had everything provided for them in their youth and oftentimes erroneously expecting the same situation in adulthood. They are believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility. This belief, though logical, overlooks one key point which is , of course, education. (100words)点评: 1 +3 模式,第 1 句是主题句。请注意,从此段的内容来看,这是个让步段(即分析自己并不赞成的观点)。虽然 4 段论的作文的主体段是两面讨论,但是本人还是喜欢这样的写作,即主体段的观点还是有侧重的,把让步段放在前面,最后 1 句话引出下一段,这样过度地很自然,而且自己的观点也比较明确!The basis of this argument is , of course, knowing the value of money, and the idea that children of the poor know this, and those of the wealthy do not . Who though, is in a better position to teach their children the value of money; someone skilled in earning and keeping it, the wealthy parent, or someone who can not seem to acquire it, the poor parent? Both wealthy and poor children are equally likely to acquire an education in money, whether it is formal, or in the school of hard knocks. Conversely, both children are as likely to ignore this education. (101words)点评:这段的内容感觉写得不够直接,还是在分析对方观点的漏洞!请注意,前面让步段已经这么写过了,那么这一段最好是正面地论证自己的观点,这样从内容上来说更 convincing 一点!此外,需要说明的是,大家发现作者的内容还是有一定深度,但是这是要有一定的英语功底才行的!如果英语功底不行的话,建议内容不要写太深,因为那样容易造成考官看不懂你在说什么!A poor child may believe that one can get along, if not as easily, without wealth. A wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steeped in the knowledge of money management; the key to developing this skill is education.点评:最后一段有点像是提出解决这个问题的办法,即 education. 它没有像传统的结尾段那样简单的重申自己的观点。
新航道雅思写作范文:http://www.newchannel.org/ielts/xiezuo/ ,你可以多参考一些。
使用It is believe that这样,然后再瞎编一个研究,写上A research rightly suggest that老外的意思是让你写的足够academic,只要碰到要表达个人意见的,立马用It is/was+ adj+ that 从句。然后用些被动语态。老外看论文就喜欢看这种被动语态的。。


雅思技巧与注意事项 议论文注意事项1。开头必须直接明了,不需要对背景做介绍(或者简单介绍),然后直接列出题目的观点用你自己的观点来对比(即平常说的“thesis statement”) 2。结尾不能太长,必须是对“thesis statement”以及每段的SUMMARY做概括 3。雅思的议论文,必须是先列出题目观点即你自己反对的观点,然后再提出你的观点,而不是单一观点的陈列。 4。
雅思技巧与注意事项(写作---补充) 议论文注意事项1。开头必须直接明了,不需要对背景做介绍(或者简单介绍),然后直接列出题目的观点用你自己的观点来对比(即平常说的“thesis statement”) 2。结尾不能太长,必须是对“thesis statement”以及每段的SUMMARY做概括 3。雅思的议论文,必须是先列出题目观点即你自己反对的观点,然后再提出你的观点,而不是单一观点的陈列。 4。每一个段落只表达一个问题或者是观点而且必须有主题句,而其后的句子必须与此主题句子相关,是比较,是论证,是举例,无论如何都要围绕中心来写。在每一段的结尾必须有引入下一段的过度性句子。你必须保证你所写的每一句话都与中心有关系,而不是凭借感觉的乱写 5。文章的主题句必须在第一段出现,或是支持或者是赞同,或者是站在中立的角度 6。认真分析题目,划出重点以及题目潜在的意思,并进行分析 7。评分项目CQ交流技巧AIE讨论、论点和论据VSS词汇与句型谈交流技巧以及其应用 请使用关联词(但重复使用会扣分),即比较常用的来增加文章的连贯性如: 比较性however but although,nevertheless 重要性in fact indeed 总结性otherwise as a result because of this as a consequence therefore 例子性including such as for instance 增加性moreover in addition and also as well 时间性between during when just after before until following whilst 请注意语法 表达将来请不要用标准的将来时用语如will/ going to要用 It can be argued that ----- It is often argued that --- This suggests that This would suggest that This seems to suggest that It could potentially result in ---- It may result in It is possible that 请使用代词如-------nuclear energy后面提到时候要用it.its 图表作文注意事项 1。开头除了包括我们以前练习作文时所说的介绍,还要加入what you would expect to find (即一眼就能够看出来的整体趋势),还要写出我们所能真正找到的如 the chart shows average earnings in the uk over a 30 yers period --we would expect to find that a person--however-- 2.结尾除了回应文章外,还要把最关键的点或者是最明显的变化提出来如 while peoplkes earnings increased accoring to their level of education ,the differences are far smaller than would be expected .What is more interesting ,however ,is,that the increase in earnings among
Layout of An EssayPARTS THINGS TO LOOK OUT FORIntroduction Introduce the topic and your opinion.Main body Explain your opinion.Conclusion Briefly summarize your opinion.TEST TIPS FOR WRITING AN ESSAYTip 1People often fail to do as well as they could do in the essay writing because they didnt think about the question before beginning to write the essay. Remember, a few minutes spent planning the essay could potentially improve your band score in the essay writing by one band;Tip 2It is very important to practise writing essays in 40 minutes. This way you can make sure you can do as well as you are able to in the IELTS writing test;Tip 3The best way of brainstorming ideas is to discuss the topics in groups. This also helps to improve your spoken English.When brainstorming ideas dont write long sentences. Save time by writing words or short phrases;Tip 4When you think about the essay question do not think there is a right and wrong answer. As you can see from the ideas brainstormed there is only for and against. It is your job to consider both sides of the argument. If you do this you can improve your band score.Remember. It is your opinion compared to the opinions of other people;Tip 5The more ideas you can think of whilst doing the exercises the better, because your ideas may be relevant for other essay titles;Tip 6In the IELTS tests you will not have time to organise all your information in a detailed manner. However, if you use this technique while you are developing your essay writing skills, the process of writing a good essay will become easier and easier. This will help you improve your band score;Tip 7The exercises are designed to help you better understand how to write an essay in English. With practice you will be able to write a good essay in far less time than it has taken you so far, and will help to achieve a higher band score in your IELTS writing;Tip 8In the IELTS test, your essay is only 250 words long. This is a very short essay. Four or five ideas, that are well explained, are enough;Tip 9Your ideas are important. They have to be relevant, and you have to express them well. But always remember that your examiner is testing your use of English, not your knowledge;Tip 10You dont have to write an essay that is either for or against the question. You can be somewhere in the middle if you wish. For example, you may partially agree with the use of nuclear energy, or you may recognize the value of using nuclear energy but not be totally in favor of its use;Tip 11To do as well as you can in the essay writing it is very important that you explain your ideas clearly. Remember, a few ideas that are well explained are far better than lots of ideas that are not well explained;Tip 12If your examiner has difficulty understanding your ideas, or following your main argument, you will get a lower band score than you are capable of getting. Therefore, when you are writing your essay, always ask yourself this question: “What do I mean by this?” Then answer your own question;Tip 13In the academic IELTS writing, you are supposed to write an essay for a college lecturer who has no specialist knowledge in this subject. This means that no one is testing your knowledge. You are, however, being assessed on your ability to write in an academic style;Tip 14If you are writing an academic essay it is acceptable to use personal pronouns in the introduction and conclusion but not the main body;Tip 15Do not waste valuable time by writing a long introduction and conclusion. Instead, keep them brief and to-the-point. They are important, but the main body of the essay is more important;Tip 16Always remember to check your essay before turning it in. Focus on the grammar, spellings and use of phrases and writing style.Good luck!

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