来源:整理 编辑:八论文 2023-06-29 01:07:08
2,请教一下 英文文献综述的引用格式怎么写
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3,发展背景 的词语解析 相当于论文一类的
差不多吧。如果熟悉英文,参考文献全部是英文,当然是EndNote,功能强大。如果是中英文混排,NoteExpress就方便一些,这个是国产软件。实话实说,在一般使用情况下是noteexpress,在稳定上是endnote,但是你做国内paper,noteexpress就可以,只是这货有时有bug,而且开发的不够行,改的都是没用的. 国内用知网的话还可以考虑cnki-elearning ,下知网论文很快 noteexpress和endnote文献管理软件使用的比较 1. 文献的发现、组织、管理功能 在这一点,noteexpress和endnote功能比较相近,也都可通过三种途径(手动导入、联机检索导入、检索结果生成文件导入)来导入参考文献;也都可对本地文献库的进行检索、查重、编辑; a:在此功能上,noteexpress软件的优点有: 1) 全中文界面,用户较容易学习入门; 2) noteexpress支持在同一个参考文献数据库中建立目录,按照目录管理参考文献,endnote 不支持此项功能; 3) 支持笔记功能,可以随时对感兴趣的参考文献作别笔记,并可进行分类管理,endnote不支持此功能; 4) 将noteexpress快捷方式做进鼠标右键快捷菜单中,可以随时将正在浏览的网页内容下载到本地,并放进“笔记”分类目录中进行管理,endnote不支持此功能; 5) 提供相关检索历史保存功能,endnote不支持此功能; 6) noteexpress支持输入、输出bibtex格式的参考文献数据; endnote仅支持将参考文献输出为bibtex格式; 7) 能够导入endnote的数据库期刊的参考文献格式,也都能够导入到noteexpress中。 8) noteexpress导入中文文献数据库如维普、万方、cnki的参考文献比较方便,软件自带相应的过滤器,数据库endnote没有自带这些过滤器; 9) 支持在线联机检索中文维普、国图中文图书(万方、cnki科学院没有开通此数据库,不能联机检索)批量导入文献中文文献数据,endnote 没有提供相应设置 b:在此功能上,noteexpress软件的不足有: 1) 个人制作数据库过滤器时稍复杂,不如endnote容易上手; 2) 从数据库检索结果生成的数据格式是由endnote软件开发者制定的,没有自己独立的数据格式,noteepress软件在导入外文数据库检索结果时需要选择endnote格式。 2.论文写作时的参考文献管理功能: 在这一点,两个的功能比较相近,都支持在word 中插入工具条方便论文写作,都可以设置输出参考文献的具体格式 a:在此功能上,noteexpress软件的优点有: 1) 支持将word格式的论文中的参考文献导入到noteexpress文献库中, endnote不支持这一功能; 2) 支持较多中文期刊参考文献格式,endnote软件需要用户自己设置 b: 在此功能上,noteexpress软件的不足有: 1) 没有提供期刊投稿写作模版功能,endnote有相应功能
Every high school student in America has read F. Scott Fitzgeralds masterpiece, The Great Gatsby, usually in some tedious 10th grade English class, one of those “important” books you never think of revisiting once youre out of school. This is a pity because The Great Gatsby is not particularly a story for the young – I know I didnt appreciate it much at the age of 17 – but is rather a novel that gets better and better with age. No American author has ever written more gorgeously beautiful prose. Fame came early to Scott Fitzgerald, at the age of 23 with the publication of This Side of Paradise in 1920 – arguably his worst book – and then it passed him by, ironically, as he became a master. The Great Gatsby was published in 1925, was greeted with mixed reviews and modest sales, and from there Fitzgeralds career plummeted into an alcoholic oblivion. In the depressed 1930s no one cared to read about the flappers and philosophers of “the Jazz Age,” a term Fitzgerald himself coined. By the time of his early death in Hollywood at the age of 44 in 1940, Scott Fitzgerald was broke, a forgotten man. His wife Zelda was in a mental institution, his books for all practical purposes were out of print, and he was regarded by the literary establishment of the time as a has-been hack. In the last years of his life, Fitzgerald turned his creative eye on his own down-and-out condition and wrote a series of personal memoirs detailing his despair that belong among his best writing. There are two different collections of these pieces, The Crack-Up and Afternoon of an Author, books that arent widely known. Oddly, I think high school students would understand the extremely modern tone of these essays more than the remotely beautiful Gatsby. The Crack-Up, published in a New Directions paperback, contains eight essays written between 1931 and 1937, as well as excerpts from Fitzgeralds personal notebooks. In the title essay, “The Crack-Up”, which appeared originally in Esquire magazine in 1936, Fitzgerald examines the failure of his life in stunningly honest detail. “I had been only a mediocre caretaker of most of the things left in my hands, even of my talent,” Scott admits, regarding himself without mercy. “Sleeping and Waking,” written in 1934, is surely the best essay ever written about insomnia. “It is astonishing how much worse one mosquito can be than a swarm,” Scott writes with wry humor, lying in bed in a state of terrible wakefulness. “A swarm can be prepared against, but one mosquito takes on a personality – a hatefulness, a sinister quality of the struggle to the death.” In “Afternoon of an Author,” we experience a lost afternoon of Fitzgeralds life as he roams about Baltimore. These essays are bleakly tragic but brilliantly written, not what you might think of as “depressing” – indeed, they are often hilariously, darkly funny. Anyone interested in a being an author should take a hard look at “One Hundred False Starts” and “How to Live on Practically Nothing a Year.” In his late writing, Scott Fitzgerald shed the flowery, poetic style of his youth and found his way to a precise, sparse, hard prose that absolutely describes the truth of his own human state, an honesty that transcends time. These essays are as good as anything ever written in the English language and if you dont know them, you should. 参考文献是有格式的。这里没有办法显示。 你邮箱给我,我可以发给你。
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