

生活知足学习不知足工作知不足The life satisfaction studies not to satisfy the work to know the problem生活知足学习不知足工作知不足The life satisfaction studies not to satisfy the work to know the problem



词汇的不足英文翻译如下:Lack of vocabulary双语例句:To compensate for lack of vocabulary, you can see two articles in English every day, learning their language codes and meaning of the word.为了弥补词汇的不足,可以每天看两篇英语文章,学习其语法典以及单词的意思。


3,英文翻译 存在不吃早餐睡眠不足和缺乏锻炼等不良生活习惯 问

你好!have bad habits of skipping breakfast, shortage of sleep and lacking of practice etc希望对你有所帮助,望采纳。
she develops bad habits.Such as skip breakfast, shortage of sleep and lack of practice.
have bad habits of skipping breakfast, shortage of sleep and lacking of practice etc

英文翻译 存在不吃早餐睡眠不足和缺乏锻炼等不良生活习惯  问


比上不足,比下有余worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst
less than the top one and more than the weaker one.
what is the difference between man and woman?the difference is just that the man lacks something in the upper half of our body but have something more in the lower.暗含的意义可真深远,开始还没读懂!~~坚决抵制机器翻译!!!


等级不够 [词典] rank deficient; [例句]衡量信任度时只有少数几个离散的等级,粒度不够。针对以上这些缺陷,对其模型做了一些改进,但不可否认,在克服以上缺陷的同时模型的复杂度有所增加。So improved the model to overcome these shortcomings, but on the other hand, the complexity of model has been increased.
等级不够:rank deficient 意思是not qualified for例句:1. 似乎破产的等级还不够,同样重要的是某些公司持有复杂的金融工具。As if the magnitude of the bankruptcies werent enough, theres also the matter of the complexfinancial instruments that some of the companies held.2. 但同时也存在着固化后交联密度高、质脆、耐温等级不够高和耐冲击性差等缺点。However, the inherent brittleness, limited impact strength and high level of moisture absorption restrict their utility for high-performance applications. 3. 采用线性延伸编码方案显示的彩色等离子体显示器(PDP) ,在消除动态假轮廓方面效果显著,然而在暗场显示时图像灰度等级明显不够。The method of linear stretch out code is effective to remove the dynamic false contour of motion image in color AC PDP, but the gray scale is not enough to display in low level image. 希望被采纳,谢谢!

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