来源:整理 编辑:八论文 2023-09-04 01:46:55
a gear having tooth elements that are parallel to its axis is known as a spur gear. a spur pair can be used to connect parallel shafts only. Parallel shafts,however , can also be connected by gears of another type ,and a spur gear can be mated with a gear of a different type.
This paper based on the modern educational theory and psychological attitude, combined the features of remote opening education, sum up the importance of adopting the ability of indenpendent thinking and living problems, and discussed how to adpot the ability of independent thinking in mathematical points of views,to come ture the best affect of learning and continuing development
Keywords Mathetical education the atomsphere of thinking , The way to adopt
4,毕业论文 摘要翻译
Be aimed at make of at present different to labour contract uncaging and termination. The main body of a book ask folk prescription to relieve a labour contract with labourer, naturally how rightness exercises of rights , the labour contract relieves problem must be confronted with as how the queen guarding dense duty bearing it, and that the queen between servant unit loses getting how item handles as well as the relevance testifies archives being that labourer relieves a hereafter in the labour contract.标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、
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To provide an in-depth understanding of Yantai Apple industrialization, the impact analysis Apple industrialization factors, to the industrialization of this theory as a guide, according to industry organizations models and operational mechanisms analyzed Yantai apple industry is "leading enterprises farmers", "professional associations farmers" and "professional farmers market" model setup, Yantai Apple should take the view that industrial development strategy. Yantai Apple industrialization through industrialization, the status quo identify the problems and issues analysis, and concludes with Apple industrialization strategy and further strengthen Yantai Apple industrialization process. Research conclusions : Yantai apples achieve industrialization development, the quality must be through the development of Apple advantage, brand advantages, technological advantages, further optimize the structure of production, and strengthen the science and technology, improving quality, and leading enterprises. To develop economic cooperation between professional organizations and professional organizations market to play its coordinating role, to establish centres apple market transactions, the market for Apple flow. Use modern agricultural technology to improve apple production skills, the use of modern technology to create a high starting point network marketing platform to build ecological, environmental pollution Apple at the core production base. Through the guidance, control, communication and cultural exchange apples to apples visibility Yantai constantly upgraded. Yantai Apple industrialization and the development will eventually contribute to regional economic development. 关键字:烟台苹果,产业化 经营Internet : Yantai,apples,industrialization楼上的不厚道,机器翻译好歹也认真点。横穿美国,在好几个地方都有两个独立的城镇一起成长变成一个城市的情况,但是他们保留了名字,温斯顿-塞勒姆就是其中之一。这是个在高原上的中等城市,位于亚特兰大海岸和南卡罗来纳州的内陆山脉之间。被建在本世纪早期温斯顿部分是一个相对较新的地方。他是国家最大的露天市场之家。下面应该是落款,就不翻译了。
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