
the title of the dissertation
一般用thesis 博士论文dissertation
theme of essay



the title of the dissertation 论文题目the title of the dissertation 论文题目
thesis 论文 (一本, 如硕士,博士论文)。paper 文章(发表在杂志上的一篇 一篇的) ??a


3,论文标题英文翻译 急急急

The new exploration of Zhang Xueliang - using the idea evolution (1901-1936) as clue
A New Research on Zhang Xueliang-- Taking Transition of His Thinking(1901--1936) as a Clue

论文标题英文翻译 急急急

4,论文标题 英文翻译

准确的翻译应该是这样的,您可以仔细对比一下就知道:A Survey Analysis on AIDS Knowledge and Attitude of Migrant Woman Population in Huairou District.
on the artistry of classroom teaching of primary school english
我认为把Survey Analysis 放在前边较合英语语法。建议标题可写作:A Survey Analysis on AIDS Knowledge and Attitude of Women Migrant Population in Huairou District


我觉得可以写:the Explication of Profitability and Adaptability of XX Corporation。Explication是解读,说明的意思。国外论文常用,更地道。(你确实在解读一个公司的能力,所以确实有那么细化的必要)用Adaptability还是Potential of Further Development你可以选择。前者是适应性的意思。后者嘛,才是真正意义上的发展能力。我觉得适应能力这个比较适合你在提到适应新的时代潮流这种主题的时候。关于XX Corporation,建议选择官方英文翻译哟。
这个看起来没问题,不过需要改一下:A Study Of Profitability and Development Capability in XX(Company),


论文题目不够明确,可以理解为: (1) 新闻媒体的研究;(2) 你对新闻媒体。。。的研究。我想应该是你对新闻媒体的研究,所以建议你把题目改为:对我国新闻媒体如何报道(或处理)重大突发事件的研究, 或者,浅析我国新闻媒体对重大突发事件的报道(或处理)。相应的英文 (意译):Analysis of the Mass Media and Significant Sudden Events in Our Country 或者Role of the Mass Media in the Significant Sudden Events in Our Country希望对你有帮助。
写功能类的翻译吧。 比方说新词新语翻译,化妆品翻译,品牌商标翻译。写这类文章一般都按照3种模式:理论-方法-例子。 资料都很好找的,网上一搜很多


1、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-Company Direct Linkage2、Research on Process Reengineering of Corporate Payment Based on Bank-Company Direct Linkage-A Case of Company A
problems and countermeasures on the financial liquidity of enterprises
1 Recreation of the Payment Process of Host-to-Host Company 银企直联”(Host-to-Host),2 Recreation of the Payment Process of Host-to-Host company ---- An Example of Company A http://www.xzbu.com/9/view-999254.htm

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