1,语法填空 英语

順序: pointing, who, such, at, himself, his, elder, while, thought, truth
pointing, that, a, at, swinging, his, oldest, when, thought, truth

语法填空 英语


1.at 2.poverty 3.one 4.of 5.in 6.impacted 7.are 8.and 9.where 10.is
1.on 2.poverty 3.one 4.of 5.in 6.impacted 7.are 8.and 9.where 10.in



46finishing 47possible 48continue 49according 50choice 应该就是这几个了,好像形式也是对的。
46finishing 47possible 48go on 40according 50chose
finishing possible continue according choice



31.it 32.about 33.unselfish 34.required 35.saying 36.do 37.other 38.and 39.什么意思 40.the
it on selfish required saying do other and worse the
33.selfish 34.required 35.saying 36.do not want 39.worse


1.payment 电子支付 主系表结构 所以所填是名词 2.have been interviewed 学生是被面试,被动be interviewed。昨天是过去时,have been 3.conducted -ed分词后置定语,修饰前面的survey 4.growth 网上购物的增长。。填名词 5.doubled 后面时态是过去时 6.responsibility 是。。。的责任 用名词 7.injured 受伤的人 一般-ed分词修饰人,-ing分词修饰物 8.to accept refuse to-do 拒绝做。。。 9.quickly 这里表示程度,后接 副词,传播多么迅速 10.practical 切实际的 11.make beallow to-do 12.puting before是介词后接v-ing 13.easy 后面difficult 是形容词,相对的前面也是形容词 14.will be discussed 时态是一般将来时,提议被讨论,是被动 15.occasionally偶然地,修饰见面的频率,副词 16.advanced more 后接名词,形容词 副词。先进的技术所以用形容词 17. correcting in 介词 后接v-ing 18.complaint make complaint 抱怨 名词 19.have been interviewed 同第二题 20.bringing avoid 后接v-ing 避免。。 如有错误,欢迎知道哈~


called their communication who them got more active at only、 because
(1) called (2) their (3) communication (4) who (5) them (6) got (7) active 积极的;活跃的 (原本就是形容词,不用变形式) (8) in (9) other (10)because
1.called 2. whom 3. communication 4who 5 them 6got 7 more active 8 into 9 there are
1. called 2. their 3.communication 4.who 5.them 6.got 7.more active 8.at 9.only、 10.because
1. called,过去式表被动关系,翻译成“被叫做...”,和句子主语a local school是被动关系。2. their,句子前面因为用了the children是复数,后面应该用回对应复数的形容词性物主代词their. 3.communication,作为动名词making的宾语。4. who, who引导一个非限制性定语从句,补充说明Laure Conran的身份。5. them,考察teach sb.sth语法,teach后面可以接双宾语, 用宾格them。6.got,句子后半部分已用谓语过去式were,相对应句子前半部分也要用过去式。7.more active,句子后有than before(比之前)可以看出是用比较级。8.in 考察固定搭配,involve in参与,涉及,此处翻译为参与贴切一点。9. among??? 不清楚标准答案是不是这个,我觉得应该填among,“其中”的意思。10. for,“因为”的意思。for后面可以接从句,但前提是前面要有半句句子。because后面则只可以接句子,because of 后面直接加宾语。烦请告知大家第九点和第十点的标准答案!谢谢!
called their


greatest had thirds destroyed down useless gone that whose mind
greatest few thirds injured down unused gone that whose best
greatest all thirds injured down unused gone that whose mind
greatest few thirds injured down unused gone that whose mind
1 greatest 2 many 3thirds 4injured 5down 6useless 7gone 8that 9whose 10mind
At 3:42am on July 28,1976,the_greatest__(great) earthquake of the 20 century had begun in Tangshan.It caused great damages because the people of the city hardly __thought little of the signs,were asleep as usual that night, Two-_third___(three)of the people died or were_lost___Many buildings fell_down___.The railway tracks became_useless___(use).Nearly everything was_gone___ (go).The earthquake was so great__that___people were shocked.Luckily,the army built shelters for the people_whose___homes had been destroyed.They made up their_mind___to build a new city!

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