
in conclusion.
Consequence/conclusiondraw/arrive at/reach/come to a concluion得出结论



research 音标:英[r??s?:t?] 美[r??s?:rt?] n. 调查; 探索; 研究,追究; 探讨,探测; vi. 做研究; 探究; (从市场调研中) 得出所预测的结果; vt. 从事…的研究,为…而做研究;
正常的是researcher, 缩写就是r



research institute
research institute
research laboratory research institution
The Research Institute;The Research Center,The Research Organization,The Research Foundation.请根据你的具体情况选。如果是特定的机构,要用the ,大写字头。


4,research 的 introduction 怎么写

肯定啊,介绍研究时间、研究范围、研究方法和结果、最终结论。By using the daily rainy days and rainfall data of 49 stations in 1971-2005 over theQinghai-Xizang Plateau, the trends of the annual and seasonal rainfall and rainy days areanalyzed. The result shows that the trend of the annual rainfall and rainy days increases remarkably in most parts of Tibet, but the trend decreases in most parts of Qinghai. The rainydays are decreasing and the rainfall is increasing in summer half year over the Qinghai-XizangPlateau, which indicates that the rainfall is centralizing more and more and the rainy intensityhas increased. In winter half year, the rainy days and rainfall increase. In summer half year,the spit (0.1-4.9 mm) rainy days decrease, but the rainfall increases. And the rainy days andrainfall of spit and moderate rain (5.0-9.9 mm) increase, the rainy days and rainfall of heavyrain decrease. In winter half year, the rainy days and rainfall of light snow, moderate snowand heavy snow have an increasing trend, while the trend of storm is not obvious.大概看看

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