
release after the modification



修改日志或者修改记录,英文翻译Modify the log or modify the record



可修改的 [词典] revisable; adaptable; [计] pollable; [例句]是灵活的和可修改的。Is flexible and adaptable.
可焊性释义:weldability, [机] weldability, [机] solderability短语:可焊性 solderability;weldability;welding capacity可焊性测试 solderability引线可焊性 wire bondability



Please be informed that the notify party has been changed to be the same as consignee.
The Notify Party has changed into the Same as Consignee.please check.
可以有不同的表达pamper,是指软件或机器经过改动,一般这样就不在保修范围之内modify (名词为 modification)比如gm = genetically modified 转基因的revise (名词为 revision如果有上下文,还可以有其它表达的


Please send me your revised offer.
Pls send the revised quotation to me
Please re send a revised offer to me
Please kindly resend me your revised quotation.
Please re send a modified please re send a revised offer to me.
请重新发一份修改后的报价给我,英文翻译please send me a revised quotation,


altered photo例句:这就意味着:你不能更改版权信息、修改照片,不能在logo(你拥有logo版权)中使用照片、不能转售照片。This means you cannot remove the copyright information, alter the photo, use it as part of a logo that you own a copyright, or resale the image as your own.摄影技术出现至今,为了宣传目的而修改照片的做法就一直伴随着我们;The alteration of photos for propaganda purposes has been with us as long as photography itself.
你好!Revised photo打字不易,采纳哦!
polished photo
Has revised picture


1. if you are short of money, you can take bus.或 you can take bus if you are short of money.2. since then, i wonder what his job is. (要把动词放到后面去)3. you would have pass the exam if you had listened to my advice to study hard 或you would have pass the exam if you had taken my advice to study hard. (要用 would ... if...had 这是 如果...就在英文中典型的用法。没有别的答案。而且obey是遵守,有点太重了。用listened to或taken比较合适。)
第二句I have been wondering about what his job is since then.用现在完成时要好些。第三句You will pass the exam if you listen to my advice and study hard.obey是不这么用的,那是“服从”,一般说服从法律法规什么的。
第一句没问题第二句:I wondered about his job since then.第三节:用obey太严重了You will pass the exam if you take my advice and study hard.
You could take bus if you are short of money. I wondered what his job would be since then.You could pass the exam if you obey my advice to study hard. 这三句都是要训练虚拟时态
我读完英语准备去美国,在那边半工半读。 i am going to the usa after i finished the english course,and i will be a part-time job and part-time study student there.
Since then, I wonder what kind of work does he do.You will pass the exam if you take my advice and work hard.

文章TAG:修改后的用英语怎么说修改  英语  怎么  